PRS DG30 / 2x12 V30


Fractal Fanatic
Thought to file this in the appropriate section...

AMPS: Tweed 5F1 EC (Ch. A) & Tweed 5F8 Normal (Ch. B) + AC-20 EF86 Bass amps.
CABS: Stereo Zilla 2x12 V30 57/121s.
EFFECTS: Drive: Tone of Kings; Chorus: 2290 Digital Chorus; Delay: 2290 121ms; Pan/Trem: Harmonic Trem: Envelope Follower on Rate Modifier, 650ms Attack / 50.1 ms Release; Rotary: Envelope Follower on Rate Modifier 650 ms Attack / 50.1 ms Release; Reverb: Music Hall, Stock Settings.

Here's my recent re-take on Dave Grissom's DG30/2x12 head/cab. Because no comparable amp exists within the FAS realm, it was necessary to build a facsimile based from a Tweed 5F1 EC / Tweed 5F8 Normal (Channels A & B) and an AC-20 EF86 Bass. For Dave's 2x12 Celestion V30 cab I used a Zilla 2x12 V30 57/121 pair.

Channel A is the 5F1 EC used for S1 clean and S2 chorus. Channel B is the 5F8 Normal used for S3 Boost, S4 Drive & S5 Boost Lead. The AC-20 resides in parallel to the Tweed amps and stays on for both for upper-mid harmonic content. All amps' Master Volumes are aimed at 10. S4 Drive and S5 Boost Lead use a Tone of Kings drive, with gain set relatively high, tone backed off to about 1.00. Preset Leveling tamed the resultant volume and made it easier to listen to without as much ear fatigue.

Likewise, the S6 Harmonic Trem and S7 Rotary both use envelope followers in the rate modifier, which produces a decaying trem and rotary as the picked note fades. Lastly is a S8 Dry scene with no effects, just the amps and cabs.

Gotta say, it's not as raspy or loud as Dave's DG30, but Dave cranks his amp so the amp is doing the heavy-lifting. The amps clean up nicely on each scene with guitar knob volumes of 6 or 7, but saturate and sound richer/fuller as your turn your guitar volume up. No fiddling necessary with your FM9 settings; your guitar knobs are adequate for this preset.

Feel free to chime in on what you think might improve this preset. (Hoping to learn how to use scene ignore so as to disallow use of the rotary block on some scenes, or update my rotary settings for a more desirable leslie rotary sound....)


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Thought to file this in the appropriate section...

AMPS: Tweed 5F1 EC (Ch. A) & Tweed 5F8 Normal (Ch. B) + AC-20 EF86 Bass amps.
CABS: Stereo Zilla 2x12 V30 57/121s.
EFFECTS: Drive: Tone of Kings; Chorus: 2290 Digital Chorus; Delay: 2290 30ms Slapback; Pan/Trem: Harmonic Trem: Envelope Follower on Rate Modifier; Rotary: Envelope Follower on Rate Modifier; Reverb: Music Hall, Stock Settings.

Here's my recent re-take on Dave Grissom's DG30/2x12 head/cab. Because no comparable amp exists within the FAS realm, it was necessary to build a facsimile based from a Tweed 5F1 EC / Tweed 5F8 Normal (Channels A & B) and an AC-20 EF86 Bass. For Dave's 2x12 Celestion V30 cab I used a Zilla 2x12 V30 57/121 pair.

Channel A is the 5F1 EC used for S1 clean and S2 chorus. Channel B is the 5F8 Normal used for S3 Boost, S4 Drive & S5 Boost Lead. The AC-20 resides in parallel to the Tweed amps and stays on for both for upper-mid harmonic content. All amps' Master Volumes are aimed at 10. S4 Drive and S5 Boost Lead use a Tone of Kings drive, with gain set relatively high, tone backed off to about 1.00. Preset Leveling tamed the resultant volume and made it easier to listen to without as much ear fatigue.

Likewise, the S6 Harmonic Trem and S7 Rotary both use envelope followers in the rate modifier, which produces a decaying trem and rotary as the picked note fades. Lastly is a S8 Dry scene with no effects, just the amps and cabs.

Gotta say, it's not as raspy or loud as Dave's DG30, but Dave cranks his amp so the amp is doing the heavy-lifting. The amps clean up nicely on each scene with guitar knob volumes of 6 or 7, but saturate and sound richer/fuller as your turn your guitar volume up. No fiddling necessary with your FM9 settings; your guitar knobs are adequate for this preset.

Feel free to chime in on what you think might improve this preset. (Hoping to learn how to use scene ignore so as to disallow use of the rotary block on some scenes, or update my rotary settings for a more desirable leslie rotary sound....)

Hope to get time to check this out! Thanks for sharing. I use the PRS Archean which gets some of that Marshall-meets-Vox blend going in when I want to get a Grissom kind of tone myself. I know the metal guys like them for gain, but I think they can be tamed to do "the thing."
Hope to get time to check this out! Thanks for sharing. I use the PRS Archean which gets some of that Marshall-meets-Vox blend going in when I want to get a Grissom kind of tone myself. I know the metal guys like them for gain, but I think they can be tamed to do "the thing."
Still hoping that the Tweed 5F1 EC is adequate; may check later with a separate preset utilizing a Tweed Deluxe. Will try to move past my "fiddlesticks" moment (will describe later) and see if my Grissom build can improve.

The Archean is great for clean and bright; my Grissom preset has a warmer, "whisky-drinkin' voice" tone (you know, what your voice sounds like in the morning) which translates well with your tone knob rolled down to 3 or less.

DG's tone is very much dynamic and responsive to small volume and tone knob tweaks. And, TBH, challenging to dial in the same way each time. This is where your ears are crucial. Enjoy, and feel free to post any suggestions on how you might work with the preset to dial in what you like.
Been debating all morning if I want to buy the PRS SE DGT...then I see this thread. KHAN!!!

Had the same feeling when my Sweetwater sales rep told me they had these on order from PRS, and were expecting them in 3 weeks. Couldn't hit eBay any faster with one of my gear sales, that's for sure. Was really torn between the gold top and the McC burst. THEN, the sales rep showed me what my McC was going to look like. Yup. That was enough. Here's the link to some images...
Had the same feeling when my Sweetwater sales rep told me they had these on order from PRS, and were expecting them in 3 weeks. Couldn't hit eBay any faster with one of my gear sales, that's for sure. Was really torn between the gold top and the McC burst. THEN, the sales rep showed me what my McC was going to look like. Yup. That was enough. Here's the link to some images...
That guitar looks very nice. Now I need to debate gold top or burst.
Currently building a 2nd Grissom preset that uses an AC20, a Tweed Deluxe (clean & chorus), a Brit Brown (boost & drive) and a Plexi 50W 6CA7 (for lead). Remaining scenes include harmonic tremolo, rotary, and a dry scene.

I don't know if these will produce a decent preset or not yet, but have visibly tweaked my amps' parameters until an audio test can be conducted. May swap the Plexi for the Brit Brown if the result may initially be too crunchy. Hoping to obtain a singing drive and lead, rather than something with too much clip up front. We'll see.

Am hoping that the combination of the AC20 plus remaining amps (separate amps on separate channels) will be adequate. May utilize the looper block once again to tweak parameters until everything settles in. Will post once I feel confident that this preset may complement the 1st Grissom preset with additional use of different amp colorations DG was striving for with his DG30.
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UPDATED DG30 / 2X12 Preset:

Was unable to create a 2nd DG30 preset with a Tweed Deluxe and Class-A 30W TB. Much too much treble/upper midrange for my tastes. Stayed with the Tweed 5F1 EC and Tweed 5F8 Normal, and AC-20 EF86 Bass, which produced the results in the attached preset.

Please note Ideal EQ levels for greater insight. FTR, trying the Tweed Deluxe and Class-A 30W really butchered the sound quality. I packed it in right after that discovery and reworked the 1st Grissom preset with improved results.

The preset below uses LT's and Simeon's latest feedback sim. EDIT: The below preset is the one that contains the correct feedback synth block. Finally got it working Monday evening...


  • GRISSOM1.syx
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Thanks to @simeon's guidance, I think I've got a better knowledge now of just how the synth feedback block works. The previous iteration in my post above reacts to the Frequency modifier with Tracking set to OFF.

This may produce an unusual artifact which sounds like the effect turning on, then decaying quickly when switching presets that contain the synth block. It's most noticeable when switching to presets/scenes where the synth block is active.

@simeon walked me thru the steps to mitigate this: simply set Tracking to "Pitch + Envelope" and disconnect the Frequency modifier (set to None). Maintain Mix modifier parameters.

This should solve any artifact issues with the preset above. Will repost the correct preset in about an hour and then edit this post to reflect this.

EDIT: Post #9 now has the corrected synth block that will hopefully resolve any artifacts associated with the previous iteration. Plz be aware that I've not personally tested this myself, but I think it fits in well with my additional presets.
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