Protect Ethernet Plug


Hi all

Another successful gig last night. I did get the rapidly scrolling presets at the end of a song which was worrying but a reboot fixed it.

What is more of a concern is our singer getting very close to standing on my Ethernet cable and plug. I used gaffa tape to tape the cable to the floor but the plug is still a bit unprotected. I'm worried that if someone stands in it it will break the adapter and the MFC as well as possibly be stuck inside.

I did look for some 90deg adapters but the ones I saw on eBay were 90deg vertical and I don't think they would fit with the MFC plug height.

I don't really want to spend more money on faslink.

Does anyone have a good way of protecting the MFC plug

I am assuming you have a Mark I MFC unit like myself, so the Ether-con cable like "sebastos08" recommended is not a going to work for you.
I use to have this on my board and also one back in my rack. (Have a Mark I Axe Fx also)
I was never that thrilled about constantly plugging cables in and out of those ports since they had some movement, the only weak point of that unit IMO.
A 6 inch cable went from the MFC to the adapter, the adapter itself was duel-lock to the board.
Took it a step further however on the six inch cable shaved down the locking pins a bit so in case someone got there foot around a cable a yanked the adapter from the board (which would take allot). The cable would come out on its own. I did this for years.
But just before Christmas noticed a special on the site and went for both adapters. Since both my MFC and Axe Fx are Mark I. I wish I did it sooner the XLR cable is more durable than Ethernet (no secret there) looks cool. And makes me feel more secure, but can't tell you why (???) Ha ha

I still use the shaved down 6 inch cable from the MFC to the FASlink.

Another thing your singer should not be that close to the front of the board, if you have told him that. In my book that is a sign of no respect. A elbow to the ribs can work wonders!

Thanks guys. I agree a MK3 and a AXE MK1.

I guess i could use the FASLINK to plug into the MFC and use the ethernet output from the FASINK to go to the AXE. I'd rather not spend a lot of extra $$ though. Am thinking of switching to an AX-8

Thanks guys. I agree a MK3 and a AXE MK1.

I guess i could use the FASLINK to plug into the MFC and use the ethernet output from the FASINK to go to the AXE. I'd rather not spend a lot of extra $$ though. Am thinking of switching to an AX-8

I am new to the AX8 just got it last month and love it.
BUT --
I would not sell your Axe Fx to fund the AX8 if that's what your planning, or at least not right away.
Created get presets is pretty much the same of coarse, but you have to be a little more mindful of how you set things up. CPU intense presets can create slow switching to the next (audio gaps). Once you get your head around the board portion and how it works I think you will love it I know I do! That part is not the same as the MFC it's way more powerful.

Part of the reason I got the FASlinks was the sale and it was a what the hell moment, it was the same day I ordered the AX8, in my case I planed on keeping the Axe Fx. But had a after though maybe down the line if I do sell the thing it might be a easier sale including that adapter.
It is possible to update an Mk1 to a Mk2. My brother, who's good at these things, did it for me. I don't know how he actually did it, maybe I should have made some pictures of it from the inside. What I can show you is my MFC Mk1 from the outside :) I highly recommend such an update!

I'll stick with the adapter!!
I don't have your brothers skills and don't trust myself with something like that.
I agree great update!

Thanks very much everyone for your feedback, especially on my 'side-grade' plans.

I might try a 90deg adapter to see if that does help. I might also check eBay to see if there are any FASLINK for sale.
When I gigged w/ the MFC I had it on a PT-Pro board which gave some protection to all the cables because it was deeper than the MFC. Now I have somewhat the same concern w/ all the plugs on the back of the AX8... at least none of them are as fragile as a Cat5.

I also like the idea of a drop-over cable protector. Even at practice that could come in handy. Sometimes I just use one of the panels off my rack but will probably put my AX8 on a board at some point.
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