Processing Vocal and Guitar Effects Simultaniously


I've always wanted to be able to use the Axe II for vocal effects as well as guitar processing. Given the need for mic pres and such, I never really looked too much into it... Until I saw this:

Radial Engineering said:

Voco-Loco Effects Switcher for Voice or Instrument

  • Add guitar effects pedals to vocals or instruments
  • Create exciting and unique effects as you perform
  • Turn on multiple effects using one footswitch
  • Works with either dynamic or condenser microphones

The Voco-Loco is a foot-controlled effects loop that enables the lead vocalist, sax or trumpet player to incorporate guitar effects pedals into the signal path, just like an electric guitarist adds effects for soloing.

Am I correct in thinking that hooking this unit's effects loop to the Axe II's effects loop would allow me to create presets that will simultaneously process guitar amps/effects and vocal effects? If so, is this an ideal solution?
That looks like a very nice device, Radial does make top notch stuff. I do believe some interesting stuff could be done with it and the Axe.
That looks like a very nice device, Radial does make top notch stuff. I do believe some interesting stuff could be done with it and the Axe.

Yeah, I've heard good stuff about Radial. At $260 it's not cheap, but hopefully that just means they put a good preamp in there.

If no one's saying it can't work, I'm going to try and get one as soon as they start shipping. I've been dying for some good vocal reverb and I can't think of anything better than being able to use the Axe II.
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