Problems with FM3 not in stereo

I tried a search, but got an error message twice. In any case, I ran a reverb pedal through the FM3... through the FX Loop (so that it's after the Cab sim and not in front of the FM3). The problem is, the pedal is in mono and when I record to my DAW (using the FM3) I only get the left channel working, which is weird. The FX Return in the chain is BEFORE the final output, which is in stereo. Not sure how to rectify this.
I didn't think so, but it seems obvious. I looked in the manual, but could not find where to set it.
Setup > I/O > Audio page. scroll down until you find Output 2's configuration.

I had a similar problem when I first got my FM3. I thought it sounded not-so-great until I realized I was listening in mono lol!

Could you tell me guys , how I should use the fm3 with stereo amp? Just the fx loop (without any cab or amp sims.).
Rivera tbr 1 or 2 tube amps
All of these has fx loop , 2 sends 1 return

Could you tell me guys , how I should use the fm3 with stereo amp? Just the fx loop (without any cab or amp sims.).
Rivera tbr 1 or 2 tube amps
All of these has fx loop , 2 sends 1 return

Start by looking at the manual, there are diagrams on how to hook it using different configurations.

Is the Rivera a stereo Amp? Are you running two cabinets (or a stereo cabinet)? This is essential or else you will get mono, even with a stereo loop setup.

With only one return, I'd think it's a mono loop. The second send is for a mixer, tuner, etc. The manual is on Google.

All right , so usually My rig is like this :
Stereo effects goes to fx loop amp 1 send and return - amp 2 return , guitar to comp. and boost , volume pedal than split the signal to amp 1 and amp 2 inputs . Could I do this with the fm3 ?


All right , so usually My rig is like this :
Stereo effects goes to fx loop amp 1 send and return - amp 2 return , guitar to comp. and boost , volume pedal than split the signal to amp 1 and amp 2 inputs . Could I do this with the fm3 ?


Did you read the manual? Replace your stereo effects with the FM3 and it should work. You'd have to use in and out 2 on the FM3 and use the loop ins and outs only. Send from Amp 1 to fm3 return, and send the 2 sends to each Amp fx return.

Thanks for the reply!!

I have read the manual (there is no such thing connecting the unit to 2 amps playing in real stereo) , but I guess the answer is : I can’t use the fm3 stereo effects (fx loop) with 2 real amps and the other non stereo effects like distortion , compressors in front of the amps at the same time.

Thanks again!!

Thanks for the reply!!

I have read the manual (there is no such thing connecting the unit to 2 amps playing in real stereo) , but I guess the answer is : I can’t use the fm3 stereo effects (fx loop) with 2 real amps and the other non stereo effects like distortion , compressors in front of the amps at the same time.

Thanks again!!

This is why I recommend people read the manual. Your answer was right there all along.

Thank you !!

👍 Good luck! Let us know how it works for you. This method will allow you to add mono effects from the FM3 before the loop (drive, comp, etc) however, I am unsure if these effects will go to both amps or only your main Amp.

If it doesn't, try using a Y splitter and split the Output 2L (that goes to the Amp input) to go to both Amp inputs and run everything else the same.
I never got it to work. My I/O is in stereo... set to stereo. The reverb pedal is in mono. It goes back to the FM3 in mono, but the FM3's final output (not the FX chain) is in stereo and set to stereo. Yet my XLR outs to my DAW only plays one channel.
I never got it to work. My I/O is in stereo... set to stereo. The reverb pedal is in mono. It goes back to the FM3 in mono, but the FM3's final output (not the FX chain) is in stereo and set to stereo. Yet my XLR outs to my DAW only plays one channel.
sounds like the issue is somewhere after the FM3. Test the cables (start by reversing them and see if that causes the other channel to work and the working channel to stop working). Swap out cables. Make sure your interface is working. Make sure the DAW is set correctly (test with another stereo source plugged into the same cables.

Still lots left to troubleshoot. Good luck!
Hello Everyone!
I am trying to cabeling my fm3 with my stereo amp. Could you guys help me to solve it? I am using just the stereo effects this way , but I would try it with in front of the amp as well. Which output should I use from the fm 3 to the amp? This is how I use only the effects for stereo , it works great ...IMG_5399.jpgIMG_5397.JPGShould I use the Main Out 1 L ?
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