Problem with Ownhammer IR's.

I recently purchased the Ownhammer Recto 1 and Scumback 75 IR's (sysex versions for Axe) after hearing great sounding clips using them From Clark Kent and on the Ownhammer site.

After loading them vix Axe-edit it does show thme loading but they sound very thin and digital artifact like. The stock cabs still sound the same as before. I'm a new owner so I'm figuring I made an error loading them though I did follow Yek's steps carefully from the wiki. Any guesses/help? Thanks in advance. :|
Yep, using the OHs with the same tone settings as with stocks will get you that result, is my experience.
So you need to reset the amp settings and start from there.
F.e. with OwnH SM57 pos. 3 you don't need any Presence (leave at noon), and you can often leave Treble and Bass at noon too.
I did turn off the mic sims but I guess I didn't expect that much of a difference to have to start from scratch. I will say that from what I've heard it's probably well worth the time spent in the long run though, the sample clips sound great.
A big hat's off to you as well yek. Your how to's have been a huge help and I wouldn't be nearly as far along now without them. You have shared and arranged a great wealth of knowledge to help others and I personally can't thank you enough. 8)
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