Problem Solved: Amp Modeling Output and Effects Only Output in Same Preset


New Member
Here's what I'm trying to do.
Route Input 1 through series of effects, amp, and cab blocks to Output 1.
Output 1 is copied to Output 2 so I can use O1 with headphones and O2 to my studio monitors.
Output 3 is also at the end of this chain that connects to my FRFR cabs.
Now I would like to add another string of only effects from Input 1 to Output 4 to feed the front of my tube amps.
When I try this I'm not getting sound out of Output 4. I only get buzzing.
Is this a problem with trying to do all this in a single preset, or am I missing something with the setup of Output 4?
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Problem solved. Not exactly sure what I did, but it's all working as desired. Now I just need some humbuster cables to get rid of the buzz in the tube amps.
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