Press and hold issue with tuner and tap tempo


The standard layout 7 has the tap tempo and hold as tuner.
However, it also changes the tempo when I press and hold to disengage the tuner.
Am I missing something in the setup? Is this a bug?
This is a bug. I'll update the thread when I have a fix in place, but I don't see why it wouldn't be fixed in the next release of the Axe-Fx III firmware.
Upon further inspection, this will require an update to the FC and the Axe-Fx III firmware. Also, as far as I can tell, this only occurs if the press and hold tuner is activated twice within 2.5 seconds.

Given the 2.5 seconds, which isn't likely to be a common occurrence, we're going to hold off on fixing this for now.
I ran into this issue a couple of days ago. It took me quite a bit of time to figure out why my delays were SO messed up (went from a ~330ms delay to a 1.2 sec delay!). VERY thankfully, this was at a rehearsal, and not a gig!

Is there any update?
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