PreSonus Firebox Help Requested


I've searched the forum, and while I've found related topics, none of what I have tried actually works. The manual has been less than helpful. I just received my Ultra about an hour ago (thanks NLS21), and I'm trying to update the firmware to 10.01. I have Axe-Edit installed, the firmware downloaded, and what I believe to be the proper physical connections. So, here goes...

AFX Midi Out -> Firebox S/PDIF In
AFX Midi In -> Firebox S/PDIF Out

Firebox Sample Rate: 48kHz
Firebox Clock Source S/PDIF
Latency: 6.0ms

AFX Midi Channel: 1

This all matches my settings in Axe-Edit, and I still keep getting a "check MIDI settings..." message. Here is a screenshot of my software settings. Any help would be incredibly appreciated from a newbie.


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AFX Midi Out -> Firebox S/PDIF In
AFX Midi In -> Firebox S/PDIF Out

I am not sure if I am reading that right, but MIDI doesn't work through SPDIF. You need two 5 pin MIDI cables; one from out to in and one from in to out (doesn't matter which is which on the firebox and Axe-FX, as long as they are in to out).
I have 2 5-pin cables. The S/PDIF I/O on the Firebox, as I understand it, should work for MIDI since it uses one of these breakout cables.

I'm away from my Axe at the moment but I do have a Firebox and Mac. The midi setup you describe so far sounds correct, the S/PDIF settings should have no bearing on the midi connection. Should be firewire from firebox to computer. Are you running Mac? If yes, you should have an app called Audio Midi Setup under applications>utilities. You can test the connection there. Don't know the PC version of this. Hope this helps, welcome to the Fractal Universe!
Sorry, just went back and re-read your OP. If you are trying to update firmware, I would suggest SysEx Librarian. You can download it for free. There are several threads about how to use it. Again, I use a Mac, so you may have a different experience on a PC. In any case, you should be able to test your midi connection before you try to upgrade.
Thanks for the help, Chief. I'm using XP, but I went into my sound card settings to look for an equivalent and set everything to be S/PDIF I/O. I was able to finally get Axe edit to recognize my Ultra and update the firmware successfully. That's not all I want to be able to do, of course, but for the time being I would've been content with that :lol:. I don't know why it didn't occur to me to check my sound card settings, too much excitement I suppose.

I'm gonna try putting all of the present back to factory settings now and dig in. My new monitors should be here Thursday. I'm not gigging currently so it seemed like the best investment for now. So far I'm blown away though, just listening through headphones and computer speakers. You guys weren't kidding about the responsiveness, eh? I think I'm sold.
Use MIDI cables through the MIDI In/Out connections on the breakout cable. Connect the cable to the MIDI In/Out connections on the Axe.

S/PDIF is for digital audio, not MIDI.
Glad you got midi working. When I record, I use the two XLR out on the Axe into the Firebox inputs, one in front and one in back. The firewire will work for both audio and midi to the computer. Out from the computer to power and FR speakers. When not recording just XLRs to power and speakers. Check out some other threads on digital recording, according to Cliff there's not much advantage over the analog outs, but others here swear by it.
I went and picked up a digital audio cable today check out S/PDIF recording and got it working a lot easier than I expected to. My ears can't tell much of a difference, if any, between the digital or analog outputs, but I'm still on computer speakers until UPS runs tomorrow. I'll try to give it a proper test then. Which of the inputs on the front do you pair with the line input on the rear, if I understood you correctly? 1 I figure, since 2 is a little hotter?
I'm still away from my Axe for a day or two more (vacation :) ), but the two XLR on the rear of the axe I believe are the same level, just stereo. I am under the impression that the two inputs of the Firebox are the same level, but I could be mistaken. I use the volume controls on the Firebox pretty much maxed out, IIRC.
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