Wish Preset listing sorted by tags (toggle #/A-Z/Tags

FM3 preset listing screen does not show the tags associated with the presets. It would be great to see the tags also in the device preset listing. Optional things to consider:
  • Preset number would have the color tag always (perhaps optional through settings), or
  • You could toggle the "Sort A-Z" button so that it would have three different options 1. numerically 2. alphabetically 3. by tags (and numbers within tag colour).
  • Some other way of accessing the differently tagged presets
was just mentioning this the other day... and it's a fantastic ask imo. some basic database/organizational abilities like this (however difficult to implement) would really be huge in terms of making the most of the presets and making it easier to get around.

for me... it'd be nice to have star ratings on presets and quickly be able to get to your list of "highest rated"
it would be nice to be able to notate what guitar was used to make the preset and organize presets by which guitar (humbucker vs singlecoil vs p90 vs tele, etc).
It'd also be nice to be able to order them by 'sound' ie clean vs dirty vs crunch vs solo.
It'd be nice to be able to have them ascending based on cabinet type (4x12 vs 2x12 vs 1x15, etc).

at the preset level would be great... but at the scene level would be amazing and more practical given that one preset could easily hold multiples of each category.

all of which could be simplified with one single string parameter that could be ordered by first character, second character, etc to save memory. ie 5sc4 might be a 5 star single coil clean 4x for one guy while 5as might be song 5 part a solo section for another guy. If each position had a descrip literal that was user definable... but I guess I'm getting carried away.

anything in this respect would be cool. the colors work pretty good as long as you remember what they mean... but more than one would be great.
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