Preset Decrement/Increment -1/+1 goes from 401 to 127 and 127 to 401


I am trying to assign Preset Increment +1 and Decrement -1 to two FC12 buttons.
My own user presets start at 400, but for some weird reason, when on 401, pressing the Decrement -1 takes me to Preset 127. Likewise, Increment +1 takes me back to 401. I have Wrap set at default value of Wrap (unsure what that does), and Lower Limit and Upper Limit set respectively to 0000 and 1023.
Help appreciated!
Yes, it was a remnant of my using a MIDI floorboard and use PC changes to switch presets. It works when I turn it off.
For added precision, it is called PC Mapping, not Preset Mapping.
Thank you!!!
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