Powering off the FM9

I'm not gigging these days so I have my FM9 plugged into a smart plug (therefore the FM9 is always on) so I can order Siri to turn on the pedalboard. It's infinitely satisfying. Almost as much as a new firmware release.
Nice. What brand do you have? I need this because I leave my FM9 on 24/7 because I'm too old and tired to move 3 feet to my left and bend down to hit the power switch 😁.
I have whichever is the cheapest Amazon plugs that are homekit compatible (so they work with the Apple ecosystem). I've had them for a while so I'm not sure the actual brand, but I can check when I get home. I do have that plug going into a real surge protector, though.
I'm not gigging these days so I have my FM9 plugged into a smart plug (therefore the FM9 is always on) so I can order Siri to turn on the pedalboard. It's infinitely satisfying. Almost as much as a new firmware release.
that's bad ass! pretty soon youll be able to ask siri to play the gtr too lol
Siri plays guitar better than I do some days. On other days, it randomly starts playing whatever the F#$% it wants. Here is some laziness porn for you...

The module I use is a Meross. They're like $25 on Amazon if you're an homekit user. Any smarthome solution does the same thing.

Haha that’s amazing.
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