Power cable question


Hi All,

I have a 3 space Gator Rack bag with a PL plus power conditioner and an Axe Standard. I just got a Midi Mate which comes with a power supply. I want to plug the power supply into the PL plus, but since the standard is longer than the PL, and the power supply has one of those large connectors, it doesn't fit. Does anyone have a suggestions for how I can make this work? Are there short power cable extensions I could get to plug the Midi Mate's power supply into so that I can then plug it into the PL Plus? Any ideas would be great, thanks!

i have a couple - 6" extender cables.. has a swivel right angle on one end and a regular end on the other so you can get it to fit in there. that or you could get a few receptical ends and cut up a computer power cord and make one to the exact length to fit your application.
Thanks for the ideas. I'm not really good with cutting/soldering myself, what online stores would be good for something like this?


thats what i'm talking about, you can probably pick one up like that from a home store in your area. I also bought some 1' computer power cords from mcm to shorten up the other power cables in my rack.
Thanks, those look perfect. I think I'll get two and use the other to power the axe. Should clean things up nicely back there :) Thanks again!

In the back of my rack I have an everyday outlet strip with 6 plugs laying in the bottom plugged into the surge rack for just those wall wart situations.
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