Power amps sims off with cab sims on


Power User
Anybody use this setup?

I'm going to be running stereo to a fryette 2 50 2. However I'd like to use output 2 to go direct to the FOH. I'm thinking that unless I have the power amp sims on this might not sound very good at the FOH?

This would be a simple setup for the sound guy though as currently I use a mono setup and use two XLR's. 1) a mic on my amp cab and 2) the other for acoustic. However going direct from the axe in stereo I would still only need to use two xlr's left and right if I can get away with just using the preamp-(power amp sims off) cab sim to output 2.

Looking for ideas as I may have to experiment with using the power amp sims as well or just consider going back to mono.
Well I decided to try messing with power amp sims on into my fryette 2 50 2 since I've heard of people in this forum doing this. Wow!! The orange amp sim started to sing just like my actual orange rockerverb 50! Everything was there! Guess that solves my issue!
It is possible to have both at the same time (output 1 with cab and/or power amp sims ON, and output 2 with the sims turned OFF). You have to create a patch with two amps at once. It would look like this...

Amp1 (set Sag to zero)->Cab1 (optional)->Effects (optional)->Effects Loop-> Any Effect (Bypassed/MUTE)->Output2->Fryette 2/50/2
Amp2 (sag turned on)->Cab2->Effects (optional)->Output1->FOH

Everything before the "effects loop" will be sent directly to output 2, and because you place a bypassed effect (must be set to "Mute" rather than "Thru") after the effects loop block, Amp1, its cab, and any added effects, signal will not pass through Output 1. Amp2 (the second row) would have the amp and cab sims turned on and would be sent FOH. I do not play live, but stumbled across this trick sending output 1 to my studio monitors and output 2 to the effects return on my 6505. I tried adding a screen shot from Axe Edit, but it is not posting for some reason. Hopefully this helps!
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