Potential buyer


Hello all,

i am new to this forum and do not yet own an ax fx unit, but i am seriously considering purchasing one. i have been a tube amp guy for many years and i love the sounds an old tube amp can produce, but like many of us we cant afford to purchase all of these. i dont have the luxury of testing out one of these particular units and was really curious if this thing lives up to all the hype people say it does? i have listened to many you tube videos and liked some but others really were a dissapointment. i have also heard alot of hype about using the fr speakers for these units ie the atomic reactor fr speakers to accurately replicate the tones you create. how does this unit stack up in live situation to accomodate for different stages etc. any info on these matters would be greatly appreciated, thanks. :mrgreen:
Does it live up to the hype? I don't know; what hype have you heard? ;)

Spend some time reading this forum and you'll see the good, bad, and fugly of the AxeFX described in detail by people who own it. You'll get a lot more info that way versus waiting for people to post "you should/n't buy it" on this thread. Bear in mind you have 15 days to trial a unit if you decide to try it.

Welcome, and I hope to see your "I bought it, my mind is blown" post soon.
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