Possible to switch between global output and effect block with 1 expression pedal?


New Member
Hey guys,

I'm a bit stumped with something and I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I'm using Axe-Fx II Mark I and MFC-101 Mark III with 1 Boss FV500 expression pedal.

I was wondering if it's possible to switch from the default behavior of the XP1 port (output volume control by default) and an effect block, like say Filter 1, for instance.

I've tried setting the pedal to adjust Filter 1 by changing that in the PRESET menu on MFC and that works as far as assignment goes, but I run into an issue that whenever I switch from another preset, the global output volume carries over into this preset and then I can't adjust it since it's dedicated to Filter 1.

Ideally, I'd like to be able to turn on Filter 1 with IA 17, then using XP 1 to adjust the frequency. When IA 17 is turned off, I'd like it to have it's default function of adjusting the global output.

Is this possible?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I can think of one method that should work, using one preset switch per bank instead of an IA.

Edit the MFC's Axe-FX Preset Transmit Map (manual section 12.4.3) entry for this preset to "OFF" so the switch doesn't select a new Axe-FX preset. Set the XP on this preset to use the CC# of your Ext Ctrl assigned to filter. Also choose some random higher preset # that's otherwise unused (say 383) as an alternate preset for this switch. Like before edit the Transmit Map to "OFF" for this preset, but keep the pedal on global setting i.e. Out 1 Vol CC#. A beginning value of OFF for the pedal would probably be most logical for both of these presets. The switch should now toggle pedal function like you want.

If you only use scene 1 or don't mind returning to scene 1 when switching back to volume pedal function, you could alternatively make the Ext Ctrl XP preset be a global alternate, using the current preset switch to toggle functions. A dedicated preset switch allows staying on any scene.
Thanks, Bakerman. I appreciate the reply.

That could be worth a shot, but to be honest, I was hoping for a more straight-forward solution. I'm guessing there isn't one? Totally not trying to dismiss your advice or seem unappreciative at all; I was just hoping that the system was capable of doing this without it being too complicated.

It would be great if there were an effect block that controlled global parameters. I'm not sure if that's possible, practical, or even if exists already, but I haven't seen anything about it in the manual unless I missed something. If anything, I'd think it would be in the MIX block, but again, I don't see anything about it in the manual.

Maybe the best bet would be to get an additional expression pedal, but I was trying to avoid that for now.

Thanks again for the advice. I think I'm going to try it anyway, just so I can wrap my head around it.
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