Possible Axe FX 2 XL volume fading issues


I am not sure if this is the proper place to start a thread for this since there are no technical forums dealing with issues users might be experiencing but I figured I would give it a go anyways.

I noticed drops in volume and back again when using my brand new Axe FX 2 XL unit but let me stress the point that it's intermittent at best and can only occur maybe a couple of times an hour. The unit was originally hooked up to my Mesa Boogie Mark IV head so naturally I would think the power/preamp tubes were going. I decided to replace all the tubes and then clean the FX loop ports with contact cleaner. The problem still occurred. I brought the amp head to an authorized Mesa Boogie service center and they cannot locate a problem with the Mesa head itself.

I then tried the Axe FX on my solid state amp and again the same problem occurred. The only constant now between the two amps were the cables, guitar and the Axe FX. I used a different guitar and changed to brand new cables but the problem again occurred. The only remaining factor now is the Axe FX. Is this a defective unit?

This is a very troubling and baffling issue and was wondering if anyone had experienced anything like this before and what their solutions actually were. Maybe I missed something. I just can't seem to find a problem on my own.
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