"Plexes" Echoplex factory preset


I'm looking to pull blocks into my main preset to add in a vintage Echoplex to my signal chain, both for preamp/boost use as well as delay.

The wiki lists the Plexes preset as simulating an Echoplex:

Produces the sound of a vintage Echoplex tape delay with wow and flutter. Some scenes use two amps to maintain a stereo image. A synth produces background noise (Axe-Fx and FM9 only). External Controller 1 controls the speed of the tape. Amp(s): Jr Blues. The FM3 has its own version.

However, the preset has a bunch of different scenes with various blocks turned on and off, and it's not clear which one is the starting point for your typical Echoplex (I know they vary, based on maintenance/etc). Additionally I don't know which blocks are part of the Echoplex simulation versus which blocks are just there because they help create the sound the preset is aiming for. It would also be hugely helpful to know what parameters map to a physical Echoplex, and what the parameter ranges would be like on the actual hardware.

My plan is to map manual modifiers to the parameters so that I can quickly adjust the virtual Echoplex within realistic ranges.
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