Playing along with a CD or laptop


New Axe-fx owner here (or at least I will be when G66 send it out :)...

Just reading through the manual and getting various accessories etc and have a quick question...

One of the things I do is play along to CDs or my laptop in order to learn songs etc... I'd planned to get a mixer or headphone amp that would take two stereo inputs and mix there so I bought the behringer mini amp 800 thing but turns out that you can't do that, so here's my question...

Reading through the manual for the axe-fx there is a second input, which looks like it could be used for this, is that possible, and how much CPU would this take? I guess for this to work, I'd need to put a FX return block in every patch I want to use in this way? Am I barking up the wrong tree or is there a better way of doing it?


It works great, I do it all the time...just plug your output from the source into input 2...add the loop in its own row connected to the output only...not the input row and you will have the backup music coming through your speakers along with your guitar.... I don't know if this is the only way to do it, but it works for me... :D

This is one of the things I love about the Axe.
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