Pitch+Enhancer -same modifier source


Fractal Fanatic
I'm sure this has been discussed throughout here in various threads. Today, I was experimenting a bit with how and when I bring in Pitch (detune) along with the enhancer block. I have always abused the snot out of the enhancer block like salt bae sprinkling it everywhere but lately find i'm being a bit more selective with it otherwise I've found all my presets start sounding the same. I like to bring it in when i'm using the pitch detune and /or stereo delays for accentuating that width/space. I'm using this with stereo FRFR. so....historically, with the Pitch block I ve always used the modifier on input gain to an expression pedal. I've gone back n forth just using a bypass/engage toggle and a set amount of pitch input gain. This is where I'm playing around with the enhancer block in tandem.

So i guess the idea is much like a Dream Theatre song. Main riffs nice n tight sans pitch/enhancer. But then for chorus type chords bring in the pitch + enhancer. First time i've tried using the modifier on the bypass state with an expression pedal today. Simple I know but just never done it before. I've always just stuck with IA switches for bypass. SO with the same expression pedal that is controlling the input gain on my PItch block its also changing the bypass state on the enhancer block which is totally customizable with the min/max /curve settings within that modifier page. I've reversed the min max so when my Pedal is heel down...no pitch effect or enhancer...as i toe down the input gain increases with the Pitch block and about half way down the enhancer block kicks in. So many different ways to do this and I know scenes is the most obvious but I want the control within one particular scene.

Anyone else doing this or similar? Also, I can't imagine what we'd do without the flexibility of Fractal units; that you can use so many ways to modify with expression pedals and switches to so many parameters. virtually limitless
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