Pedal to Control 2 Effects in 1 Scene


New Member
(apologize if this got covered, I tried to search it, but tough to know specifically what keywords to include)

Just got my FX8, digging it, and trying to set up my first custom scene. I plan on really sticking with stompbox mode.
Challenge... I'd like to use one expression pedal, on different effects in the same scene (depending on which is on... so I don't need it to control each simultaneously).

I just want a simple approach, where it controls the wah or volume pedal (or say even phaser, like a univibe), depending on which is being used. I'd intentionally not have them on simultaneously, to keep it simple.

So, is this possible within the same scene?

And, sounds like no based on the manual writeup on X/Y blocks... but is this even possible within an X/Y block?

Thanks for the input.
Not 100% sure and x/y but there is no problem with what you describe otherwise.

Exp pedal can be assigned to multiple parameters without conflict.

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Just assign a modifier to the 2 parameters you want to affect and point them both to the same exp pedal. They will both be affected every time you use the pedal, but if only one effect is on at a time it will act like a different pedal depending on your scene setup.
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