Pedal / Feedback style Compressor


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Really want to have some pedal style squish and gush in the compressor department. The axe compressor is very neutral - almost too clean - and rack/studio like. Guitar pedal compressors IMHO tend to have a different feel, a different attack, some grit, and depending on the model, a sag or pump that I just can't get using the stock compressor in the AxeFX. A pulldown menu with different choices of emulated compression effects would be nice (a la the drive blocks) - but not necessary.

Some of my favorites are:

Analogman Bi-Comp (based on Ross)
Analogman Juicer
Keeley compressor
Carl Martin Compressor
Boss CS-3
MXR Dynacomp
Re: KEELEY or aNaLoGmAn Bi- Comp Pedal Style COMPRESSOR

Count me in.

I'd settle for close.

I'd even settle for a recipe using the current capabilities... :cool:
Re: KEELEY or aNaLoGmAn Bi- Comp Pedal Style COMPRESSOR

Agreed. Pedals have the funk. Bring 'em on! The Fractal comp is terrific for rack type comp effects though.
Re: KEELEY or aNaLoGmAn Bi- Comp Pedal Style COMPRESSOR

I doubt that I would kick my Keeley C4 out of the rack, but it still gets a yes.
Re: KEELEY or aNaLoGmAn Bi- Comp Pedal Style COMPRESSOR

I'm qualifying this one as a "pedal"/"feedback" style compressor to make it a little more generic and in-line with something Cliff said might be possible to do with a switch.
spakuloid said:

6.0 RULES!

So which of the ones mentioned in the list above did you manage to dial in ?

Just time to play around with it myself yet...
Well I think it covers them all pretty well! Of course there is a lot of overlap in the pedal compressor product range - but so far the smack and funk of front ending a comp pedal into your amp is there - and the guitar and amp tone remains relatively unchanged (which comp pedals are notorious for NOT doing) so that is a big plus. You will not need a Ross clone in your signal chain if that is what you are asking. I was currently using the Carl Martin in front of the Axe and the new comp pedal model smokes it. With very little effort I was able to dial in the perfect sounds. I'm loving this update. The AXE sounds 100% better - new cabs are astounding. Whatever small tweaks they did to the gain architecture of the amp models is very noticeable. And you can really play this thing through a FRFR system and it sounds and PLAYS like a guitar amp not like an amp simulator - which I had a hard time with before this update. It really is amazing how much this 6.0 crushes everything I had going yesterday. You can take all the graphic eq's off now and it just sounds absolutely real. What a difference a day makes!!
spakuloid said:
Well I think it covers them all pretty well! Of course there is a lot of overlap in the pedal compressor product range - but so far the smack and funk of front ending a comp pedal into your amp is there - and the guitar and amp tone remains relatively unchanged (which comp pedals are notorious for NOT doing) so that is a big plus. You will not need a Ross clone in your signal chain if that is what you are asking. I was currently using the Carl Martin in front of the Axe and the new comp pedal model smokes it. With very little effort I was able to dial in the perfect sounds.

Interesting ! Could you share some settings ?
SUSTAIN - between 5-6
RATE - 3.75
Level- 0
Mix - 0

Run that at the top of a pedal chain but before your amp/cab block and tweak til groovy. :mrgreen:
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