PC RST not resetting


So, this may have been addressed before but....
My external footswitch attached to pedal 3 on FM9 (as we'll as my expression pedals on FX III) are not responding to the re-triggering of the scene and resseting to the saved state.
The footswitch in the FM9 is attached to the sat switch, to be precise, and upon powering up it defaults to on (even though is saved to off) and as stated before once triggered, it won't reset when recalling the scene.
i believe all the proper settings in the setup menu and the modifiers page are properly set.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Thank you
The 'PC' part of 'PC Reset' refers to 'Program Change'. It insures that the modifier will load at that saved value when the preset is initially loaded. Once you use that controller, it will stay linked to that controller's position. It will not reset on a per-scene basis.

One workaround might be to use a different channel of whatever block you are controlling. And setup your modifier to only work on a single channel, instead of 'All'. Use the other channel. or channels on a specific scene or scenes, that you want to have a set value of that parameter.

Another option is to bypass that block with the modifier, and use another instance for the scene with a set value (or even multiple channels with different set values in various scenes.
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