Patch volume, again


I know this subject has been beaten to death but the only issue I have with the Axe Fx 2, is making all my patches the same volume.
It's fine when you have 10 different patches, but with my band I use over 80 patches so it takes awhile .
I wish the Axe Fx 2 had a way to level off selected patches to the same volume, instead of going though every patch.
The biggest problem with this is dynamics. Your situation might be different, but if I set all of my patches to the same SPL, I will be way too loud on some songs and way below the mix on some. Drummers seem to hit much harder when they have songs they really get into...see it's all their fault :eagerness:
I agree, the funny part is when your lead patch turns out to be louder than expected, then when you select your lead patch it blows the whole band away!
It's going to take time, because it has to be done at rehearsal since you have to tweak it while playing at stage volume.
I can play pretty loud at my home studio, but my drummer plays so loud that we have to use a Plexiglass panels surrounding the drums but it's still loud!
Another issue is bass, I have to turn down the bass in most of my patches depending what speaker cabinets I use.
I use several Marshall cabs depending how big the stage is at the gigs. But at rehearsals I use one of my rhythm guitar player's Marshall angled cabs( I don't like angled cabs)so I don't have to bring mine. His cab sounds different than mine because he uses Celestion speakers and I use Scumback speakers, so I bring a 2 x 12 cab which has 2 high power BM75 speakers so the tone is closer to what I'm use to.
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