Passive FRFR???


There's not a lot of talk about which passive FRFR's are good, if for instance, you own a QSC GX3, or happen to have a Crown already sitting around, or maybe you bought a Carvin DCM-600 to use with a 412, and now you want to upgrade to FRFR, or you own any sort of FRFR Power-amp already.

So, you guys that have tried a Power-amp into passive FRFR's, what have you found to sound the best to you, what's the best bang for buck, the best quality, or whatever else seems like it could be important in reference to choosing a good passive FRFR cab?

I only ask because I can get a really good deal on a QSC GX3, and I want to know if I should take it, or if it's better (for my needs) to get powered. I've thought about, and planned it out in my head, and without knowing more they both seem viable in their own ways, I just need to be pushed a little one way or the other.

Me too. Now that I'm already lugging around an sla-ii in my axe-rack for guitar cab powering, it'd be nice to leave the powered monitor at home when I want to go FRFR.
i have a pair of jbl 15 eons, and i'm using those to tweek sound for FOH at the moment. I'm wanting to go direct and use iems in the new band i'm in, so i'm making it sound good through those as they would simulate what a p.a. speaker would sound like. i'm about sick of lugging 2 - 4x12's around ;)

Still out on the iems, not sure what to buy, i used to have a shure psm200 and it was ok.. was looking at the new carvins though.
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