Output 1: Sum L+R - XLR and 1/4” Help

It’s probably just me but……I set Output 1 in Setup to “Sum L+R”. I connect an XLR to Output 1, Left only side, to FOH. It sums to mono with no issue.……..I have been connecting Output 1 , left only, 1/4” humbuster cable to an SD Powerstage 170 into a Celestion X200 for my monitor thinking it was also summed……after some testing, I determined I was only sending one channel. So…..is this normal? I was thinking the 1/4” outputs also summed…… or do I have something in the Setup menu incorrect?
Sum L+R should send the same summed signal to both the left and right outputs for both XLR and 1/4" outs on Output 1. How did you determine you were only sending one signal?
Are you panning the signal anywhere in or before the OUT 1 block? Perhaps you're losing a channel before it has a chance to sum them.
maybe I’m testing it wrong….could be it…..if I plug into only the left output 1 XLR, go to FM9-Edit, click on the Output 1 block of a preset, and adjust the Balance to right or left, shouldn’t I get a signal for either side? I only get a signal when the left side is “on”……when I rotate the knob to the right, the level meter is showing a signal, but I’m not getting any sound…..am I just over-thinking this?
The meter in the Out blocks in the editor I believe only monitors the Left channel. If you pull up the Meters page of the Layout view on the front panel, you can see both channel of the Out block output in green. The edit page of the Out 1 block on the front panel shows a stereo meter as well.

Edit: Nevermind. I was thinking of the VU meter in the Cab block Preamp section, not the Out block meters.
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Ok….so……I have only one monitor plugged into the left output 1 XLR. On my preset showing on FM9-Edit, in the Output 1 block, when I turn the balance knob to left, I get the left sound…….when I turn the balance knob to the right, signal level indicators both in FM9-Edit and the FM9 Layout meters show sending a signal but I get nothing from the left monitor that plugged in……shouldn’t I get sound from the right side into the left channel if it’s summing?
The balance control of the OUT block appears to be located after the signal is summed so when it's set full right, there's no output to the Left channel at all. Pan the signal over further upstream instead and you'll see you're getting both channels.
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I tested that thought by swapping everything…….attached only one monitor to the right Output 1 XLR, got the right sound when I turned the balance knob to the right, but no sound turning to the left (with left level indicators lit as sending signal)….so…..
Correct, the Out block balance control has the final say on the relative level of each channel, summed or not.
Stick a Vol/Pan block in your preset before the Out block and set it to Panner mode. In Stereo Output mode, you'll get panning between left and right. In Copy L>R mode, you'll get deep tremolo (only the left input signal). In Sum L+R mode you'll get just a little bit of very shallow of tremolo twice as fast (both input channels mixed together).
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