Orvillain Starter Blocks Thread


Power User
For a while I have wanted to do some blocks that would help me get up and running quickly. It might seem a bit silly, but this kind of stuff is useful to me. The idea here is to have a bunch of starter blocks that get me into the ballpark, and I can tweak from there.

So first up is Hall reverbs. For each of the blocks I loaded up the defaults and did a few tweaks. There are the following variations:

1. Normal - 5seconds, 7seconds, and 10 seconds. The mix parameter is set to 50%. The thru mode is set to mute FX in.
2. Wet - - 5seconds, 7seconds, and 10 seconds. The mix parameter is set to 100% - so fully wet. The thru mode is set to mute FX in.

All other settings are the algorithm defaults.

I will update this thread with more block presets as I make them.


  • Orvillain_Hall_Starter_Blocks.zip
    38.6 KB · Views: 41
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