Original Mutron Phasor

Love the Mutron EF! My question is on the mutron phasor. I still run an original from the 70s on my pedalboard. Has anyone come up with Settings in the III that will match the original?

@philbert_s - From the release notes of version 27 from a few minutes ago, this line is included in the discussion of the Mutron effect.

"Default values match the original pedal"

So with your tweaks added to the original default - you may have it programmed to your liking in short order! Please share any settings you change to make it work in the way you expect it to work. That would be very beneficial for us to have an actual Mutron user evaluate and tweak it to the way you feel it is most musical and useful! If you want to share a audio comparisons, that would be over-the-top incredibly cool!
Right...but the Mutron Phasor and Mutron Envelope Filter are completely different effects.

On the off chance that there is someone smarter than me, here are some schematics and the original ad, which gives at least a little info about how it works (6 stages, apparently) and the actual transfer function.


  • MuTronPhasorMkI.gif
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  • MutronPhasorFactorySchematic.gif
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  • Screenshot 2024-09-11 at 10.07.30 AM.png
    Screenshot 2024-09-11 at 10.07.30 AM.png
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The Mutated Twin phaser seems like a good place to start. The one you're after sounds like a mono version of this (I guess you would set LFO phase to zero to make it mono)

(Copied from Fractal Wiki)

Mutated Twin-Phaser
Based on the multifunctional stereo Mutron Bi-Phase.
To achieve a similar sound in earlier firmware, set the Phaser to 6 stages.
For a 12-stage mono Mutron: set Order to 12 and LFO Phase to 0.
The manual is available online.

mjahoger said:
Is there a way to have the bi-phase in series? Zappa used to have Phaser B wired into Phaser A for the Black Napkins tone, creating a 12 stage Phaser in mono with a synced LFO.

[8] Yes. Begin with the MUTATED TWIN PHASE type. Set ORDER to 12 and set LFO Phase to 0.
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