Ordered a couple of "Tone Bras" today



They're ok.
They do what they're supposed to do but they mess with the off-axis sound a bit more than I'd hope for.

I think I like the sound without them more than with them.

It was worth a shot.
joegold said:


They're ok.
They do what they're supposed to do but they mess with the off-axis sound a bit more than I'd hope for.

I think I like the sound without them more than with them.

It was worth a shot.

I belive Jay Mitchell is the authority on that device in fact I think he is the one that invented it only I think his design was oppsit that of the tone bra. As to messing with the off axis tone if your standing right on top of your cab they will change things some what but I belive they were disigned to be a far field device to help eliminate the "beamming effect" of a 12" speeker. So more for the audience ears then your's.
xrist04 said:
Joey, didn't you try Jay's open-cell foam diffusers on one of your cabs?

Let's not go there, or this thread will be deleted like the other ones where I tried to discuss this.
joegold said:
Let's not go there, or this thread will be deleted like the other ones where I tried to discuss this.
This thread is very unlikely to be deleted, but I will preempt any remarks you might make on the subject by saying that it is no surprise that what you tried - which was far removed from my design - did not work. The fact that you expected it not to work prior to trying it was, of course, a contributor to the results you got, but the odds are very high that what you tried stood no chance of working.

Anyone who is sincerely interested in trying my idea should first read this: http://www.tgpwebzine.com/?page_id=424, as well as this thread on TGP: http://www.thegearpage.net/board/showth ... p?t=470956 . If you cannot purchase the specific foam I called out (from McMaster-Carr), you should be aware that many types of foam with similar appearance to that type will not work.

In the TGP thread, I specifically warned against the use of upholstery foam, which appears to be the type of foam that Joey used in his attempt to evaluate the idea.
Jay Mitchell said:
joegold said:
Let's not go there, or this thread will be deleted like the other ones where I tried to discuss this.
This thread is very unlikely to be deleted, but I will preempt any remarks you might make on the subject by saying that it is no surprise that what you tried - which was far removed from my design - did not work. The fact that you expected it not to work prior to trying it was, of course, a contributor to the results you got, but the odds are very high that what you tried stood no chance of working.

Anyone who is sincerely interested in trying my idea should first read this: http://www.tgpwebzine.com/?page_id=424, as well as this thread on TGP: http://www.thegearpage.net/board/showth ... p?t=470956 . If you cannot purchase the specific foam I called out (from McMaster-Carr), you should be aware that many types of foam with similar appearance to that type will not work.

In the TGP thread, I specifically warned against the use of upholstery foam, which appears to be the type of foam that Joey used in his attempt to evaluate the idea.

Oh for f...'s sake...

1. I did not spend the several hours it took for me to search on-line for the instructions, the hours it took for me to search for the materials and the hour or two that it took for me to try out your idea "expecting it not to work".
What I said, that you f...ing deleted, was that the concept of yours is counter-intuitive. And that's because it is.

2. I originally stated, in the thread that you f...ing deleted, that I thought there might be a problem with the material I used. You confirmed that and as I recall I thanked you.
Had the instructions been more explicit about the material to be used I may have had better luck. Or I wouldn't have tried in the first place because that material, contrary to your claims, is not easy to obtain, at least not here in Toronto, not at a price I'd be willing to pay.
I also stated, in the thread that you f...ing deleted, that I may try your idea again in the future if I have some time and access to the proper type of foam.
If anybody out there knows of a good source for this type of foam that can be obtained in Toronto (for a fair price) please let me know.
As far as not following your instructions, that's the only thing that I did wrong, i.e. using the wrong type of 3/4" open-cell foam. I went to great lengths to make sure that it was open-cell. foam. I did not realize that this foam had to be specifically designed for acoustical purposes, although upon re-reading the copy of your instructions that I was using I have since noticed the word "acoustical" in there. I saw no prognostications against using upholstery foam.
The other digression from your design that you're probably referring too was the size of the hole, and had my initial impressions of the design's effects been more favourable I probably would have spent some more time getting the size of the hole working better.
I gave up early on all of this because it sounded bad.
Now I know why you think it sounded bad. Thanks.
I also found out that 3/4", your recommended thickness, is too thick for my front-loading cabs.
If I ever do this again, with the right type of foam, and it still sounds bad any remaining shred of respect that I have for your ears will be totally gone.

3. The fact that I have to write all this out again to defend myself against the way you are portraying me pisses me off. If people simply had access to the original posts I made, in good spirit, I wouldn't be fuming right now, and right now I'm fuming.

4. The fact that you dove into this thread the way you have, when I've been trying to let this die, shows that you don't want it to die.
So go ahead. Delete this thread too.
I did not "dive in" here. Two other participants raised the issue with no prompting from me. Given that the subject is about directivity modification, it is entirely appropriate that I reply.

You're entitled to your opinion, and you have expressed it once again. I'm equally entitled to point out, as an educated, experienced professional and published author in the field at issue here (acoustics), that you are incorrect.

To people without a formal background in physics, many of the fundamental (and perfectly correct) principles are not intuitively evident. This is especially true of the area of acoustics and of energy propagation in general. That is why people who are interested in pursuing the field at a professional level spend years acquiring the necessary education and applying what they have learned. I'll concede that you know more about music than I. It would only appear reasonable to expect that you would be willling to make a similar concession regarding my knowledge of acoustics.
Jay Mitchell said:
I did not "dive in" here. Two other participants raised the issue with no prompting from me. Given that the subject is about directivity modification, it is entirely appropriate that I reply.

You're entitled to your opinion, and you have expressed it once again. I'm equally entitled to point out, as an educated, experienced professional and published author in the field at issue here (acoustics), that you are incorrect.

To people without a formal background in physics, many of the fundamental (and perfectly correct) principles are not intuitively evident. This is especially true of the area of acoustics and of energy propagation in general. That is why people who are interested in pursuing the field at a professional level spend years acquiring the necessary education and applying what they have learned. I'll concede that you know more about music than I. It would only appear reasonable to expect that you would be willling to make a similar concession regarding my knowledge of acoustics.

What *exactly* have I said that is "incorrect"?
All I've stated here has been my subjective experience.
I've never said that you don't know what you're talking about or that you are "incorrect".
What the f... is it with you?
Jay Mitchell said:
mortega76 said:
How about them Spurs!!??!!?!
How 'bout them Mavs? :lol:
hahahahahahahaha you got me there... I was embarrased at how they man handled my Spurs that I pretty much didn't watch that series... Only highlights. You think they'll keep Kidd?
Jay Mitchell said:
joegold said:
Let's not go there, or this thread will be deleted like the other ones where I tried to discuss this.
This thread is very unlikely to be deleted, but I will preempt any remarks you might make on the subject by saying that it is no surprise that what you tried - which was far removed from my design - did not work. The fact that you expected it not to work prior to trying it was, of course, a contributor to the results you got, but the odds are very high that what you tried stood no chance of working.

Anyone who is sincerely interested in trying my idea should first read this: http://www.tgpwebzine.com/?page_id=424, as well as this thread on TGP: http://www.thegearpage.net/board/showth ... p?t=470956 . If you cannot purchase the specific foam I called out (from McMaster-Carr), you should be aware that many types of foam with similar appearance to that type will not work.

In the TGP thread, I specifically warned against the use of upholstery foam, which appears to be the type of foam that Joey used in his attempt to evaluate the idea.

The instructions that I used when I attempted this were from this link at Jay's own web site:

Although I do see several references to "acoustic foam" and "open cell foam" I see no caveats there about using upholstery foam.
joegold said:
What *exactly* have I said that is "incorrect"?
All I've stated here has been my subjective experience.
I've never said that you don't know what you're talking about or that you are "incorrect".
What the f... is it with you?

No intention on making you fume any further, but maybe this:
joegold said:
If I ever do this again, with the right type of foam, and it still sounds bad any remaining shred of respect that I have for your ears will be totally gone.
reads as the make wrong :?:
-<MACHINE>- said:
joegold said:
What *exactly* have I said that is "incorrect"?
All I've stated here has been my subjective experience.
I've never said that you don't know what you're talking about or that you are "incorrect".
What the f... is it with you?

No intention on making you fume any further, but maybe this:
joegold said:
If I ever do this again, with the right type of foam, and it still sounds bad any remaining shred of respect that I have for your ears will be totally gone.
reads as the make wrong :?:

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