Oops... It slipped... (NGD coming soon)

These are nice “slips”. Congrats!!👍

Now if I could convince my wife “I slipped” about this Full Frame DSLR and lens I’m presenting eyeballing. Only half joking…I’ve pulled the trigger before on things deciding I would take the heat and sweet talk my way out it. The only problem is after 32 years my wife is immune to my “sweet talk”.🥴
I'll leave that design for others to enjoy; it's definitely not my cup o' tea.

In fact, looking at it, I realized what that aesthetic reminds me of:
It does, for the Fender Telecaster, exactly what the early 80's Peavey T-60 did, for the Fender Stratocaster.


(Now, I wish the best to those who like the look: That whoever wants one can afford one, and finds it a joy to play. To each, his own! I'm just not in that group. I'm glad that PRS went a different direction, with the Silver Sky.)
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