Octave Fuzz for "Elevation"


The octave fuzz is modeled on the Kay fuzz, correct? That's the pedal The Edge uses for "Elevation."
I have a Kay fuzz clone, and I've been able to A/B it with my settings on the octave fuzz. I have the exp pedal set to modify the tone of the fuzz. I'm very, very close to having it all dialed in, but there's a bit more responsiveness in the toe-down position of the Kay fuzz clone. It has more high-end splatter; it kind of spits out a sound right at the end that I can't quite match yet in the Axe version.

Any help with what to tweak? I feel like I've tried a little of everything, but no single parameter seems to do the trick. It may be a combination of things. I can probably post a blind A vs. B clip. I could certainly post my settings. Right now I'm on a different computer, but I could do it if someone can steer me in the right direction based on what they see I have done so far.

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