Numeric Modifier Fine-Tuning?


Fractal Fanatic
As an example, when adjusting a parametric EQ, the Q filter appears as a knob solely, not as a mini numeric screen which can be modified with a numeric keyboard.

Is there a keyboard function that allows one to modify a knob-only feature numerically with your keyboard (which appears momentarily numerically above the knob when modifying, but disappears when one stops modifying a knob)?
I don't think so, but you can use CTRL+click to adjust the knob with more precision in Windows or Command+Click on a Mac.

Edit: Actually you can. Click the label of the parameter to select it and then hit Enter to bring up the entry field where you can key in an exact value.
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Yay! Mac equivalent is Command-Click-Drag. Doesn't produce exactly the same, but darn close... Woops! Need to try "enter"...
I don't think so, but you can use CTRL+click to adjust the knob with more precision in Windows or Command+Click on a Mac.

Edit: Actually you can. Click the label of the parameter to select it and then hit Enter to bring up the entry field where you can key in an exact value.
Thank you so much. I recalled reading something about this before; you just helped me remember a topic I'd briefly set aside in memory, but it didn't stick...will add this to my "Tips & Shortcuts" document for future reference...thanks!
Not at my Axe, and this might not be what you want, but for some controls you can click on the label to give it the focus, then use the up and down arrow keys to change the value. Hold down control for finer resolution.
Not at my Axe, and this might not be what you want, but for some controls you can click on the label to give it the focus, then use the up and down arrow keys to change the value. Hold down control for finer resolution.
Thanks, Dave,

Yup, tried that with Command-Click-Drag. It was finer detail than not using the Command-Click-Drag, but was only a close approximation of what we were trying to accomplish. Hover-select modifier-"enter" opens the value screen where you can input what you'd like, then click "enter" again to close the value screen. It's like putting a key in a :)

The up/down arrow keys I'll take a look at in the future...also a good tip for where you might not have an alphanumeric keyboard and are feeling just peckish enough to do the up/down control thing...
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