noob question!


Just got my axe fx ii love it.

Trying to set it up to start tracking...

How would you recommend setting it up?

I have an rme fireface800 and jbl 4238's and logic pro

Trying to get it to play out my monitors and start recording

How do I get set up?

Should I go into my rme with the axe fx or usb?

Not trying to go clean d.i trying to get the sound into the daw and out the speakers

What cables go where

Sorry for the dumb question but i have been fiddling for awhile
I go USB straight into REAPER. no problem, REAPER finds AXE-FX direct. then when AXE-FX is the "sound card" it all sound goes to my monitors.

Cables goes as if you didnt use DAW at all. AXE to POWERAMP to SPEAKERS. then just USB to your computer and you should be all set (unless i totally misunderstood some problem)
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