Noob in need of help!


New Member
So, I ordered the Axe Fx 2 - in fact it is due to arrive today!

However, I only have a Marshall MG101FX to play through. How do I set the amp in order to
achieve a "flat" sound? I only want to hear the tone of Axe Fx 2, not my Marshall amp (which
is a combo amp).

Do I set the dials on the Marshall all to 5? All to 10? I've read online that mid up to ten
while bass and treble down can achieve a flat sound. Do I connect Axe Fx 2 to amp in
a certain way?

Is it worth purchasing studio monitors? Can they cope with heavy distortion?

Please help! Its due to arrive soon!

Thank you,

Marshall amp wont be neither flat or neutral. Studio monitors will work fine, but spend some money and you will be more happy in the long run, tons of stuff around and there are plenty of threads about both FRFR options and studio monitors here
ok, cheers for reply. I'll have to make do with Marshall for now - I'm clueless about studio monitors, need to research lol
Take your time. Its a process. Read the manual and online WIKI. check this forum. Lots of info and lots of people in the same position as you or those have gone through process of amps monitors and FRFR solutions.

Look at your long term needs, are you a "bed room player" only, and/or with band/bands, and or recording... etc etc.
I would run the output from the Axe FX into the effects return of the Marshall. Then you'll be using the power amp section of the amp. Then there should just be a master volume (maybe EQ or other things) to use. Disable any effects of the Marshall if you can. It should work OK.
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