Noise Reducer


For people using the noise reducer in the input block, what settings are you going with?

I'm getting slightly better results going with a high threshold (-7) and ratio of 2 (in conjunction with a sidechained gate between amp and cab). I tried going with a lower threshold and higher ratio, but I'm getting more bleed through noise that way.
I get weird digital noise if I put the threshold anywhere between about -30 and -13.

That's really high. You're going to get digital weirdness when the Gate kicks in on any of the modes with that setting. My high gain patches are set at -60db with the Intelligent gate and that's plenty.
That's really high. You're going to get digital weirdness when the Gate kicks in on any of the modes with that setting. My high gain patches are set at -60db with the Intelligent gate and that's plenty.
From -13 up to 0 I don't get any digital noise though. And this is why I'm asking about this, like I said, I tried lowering the threshold down to the -70 to -60 range and raising the ratio to compensate and it wasn't working as well.
That's really high. You're going to get digital weirdness when the Gate kicks in on any of the modes with that setting. My high gain patches are set at -60db with the Intelligent gate and that's plenty.
And keep in mind that I'm using the Noise Reducer mode, which specifically targets hum and a bit of his, instead of functioning like a normal gate.
From -13 up to 0 I don't get any digital noise though. And this is why I'm asking about this, like I said, I tried lowering the threshold down to the -70 to -60 range and raising the ratio to compensate and it wasn't working as well.
I'll admit, that is weird that it goes away when you go above that range. I shouldn't speak as an authority when I've barely touched that mode.
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