Noise Question


Hi All
When I'm using my FM9 either through FM9>Seymour Duncan PS 700>2x12 cab or FM9>EV PXM-12MP's
I will get an intermittent raspy and loud buzzing, it will just come on suddenly, switching out of the patch I'm
using and back will make it go away.
This happens with Factory or User patches and is intermittent.
Admittedly my house has old wiring, but the fact that I can make it go away by changing patches makes me wonder.
All cables are good quality and when using the PS 700 I made a humbuster cable to help with noise, and all the devices are
running on the same circuit with nothing else plugged into them that could cause that much noise.
Has anyone else had this problem?
Hmm, I can't say I have, those I'm using a 170 and the TC BAM200, even with my FM9 not plugged into them, if my neighbor's AC turns on I get some hum going on that had me concerned at first until I started troubleshooting. Just for shits and giggles, next time it occurs try unplugg the output of your FM9 just to try to isolate where it's coming from, in case it's not the FM9.

Also, I think this happened with my III once while I was recording, but it was my computer slowing down and not sync'ing the audio, did you happen to have FM9Edit running/plugged in at the time?
Strange. Is it predictable or very random? How often does this occur? Are you always using output 1 when this happens?
Strange. Is it predictable or very random? How often does this occur? Are you always using output 1 when this happens?
It's random, I am always using output 1, and it happens once a session usually, totally unpredictable and haven't found a way to recreate it.
Hmm, I can't say I have, those I'm using a 170 and the TC BAM200, even with my FM9 not plugged into them, if my neighbor's AC turns on I get some hum going on that had me concerned at first until I started troubleshooting. Just for shits and giggles, next time it occurs try unplugg the output of your FM9 just to try to isolate where it's coming from, in case it's not the FM9.

Also, I think this happened with my III once while I was recording, but it was my computer slowing down and not sync'ing the audio, did you happen to have FM9Edit running/plugged in at the time?
Sometimes while FM9 edit is connected sometimes not.
Maybe capture a quick sound sample on your phone when it happens so we can hear it, and might help Fractal support diagnose.
Intermittent buzz can be caused by a compressor (like a refrigerator or air conditioner) kicking on and off on the same AC mains circuit. Do you have a fridge in your studio space? Or is it possible your AC mains is shared by the kitchen?
Intermittent buzz can be caused by a compressor (like a refrigerator or air conditioner) kicking on and off on the same AC mains circuit. Do you have a fridge in your studio space? Or is it possible your AC mains is shared by the kitchen?
Hmmmm that's a good question, I don't know if it is shared circuit but their is a fridge in the next room.
My setup is about 20ish feet away from the fridge with a wall in between, I'll have to keep an ear out
for it because the fridge is fairly noisy so it would be easy to hear and see if the noise happens when the
thing fires up, I don't have a AC just a heater and that thing goes off fairly frequently so that one would
be obvious, thanks for pointing that out.
I tried to capture the noise last night but evidently my FM9 is camera shy and it didn't do it after an hour of playing, going to keep trying.
Thanks to everyone for all the help.
Hmmmm that's a good question, I don't know if it is shared circuit but their is a fridge in the next room.
My setup is about 20ish feet away from the fridge with a wall in between, I'll have to keep an ear out
for it because the fridge is fairly noisy so it would be easy to hear and see if the noise happens when the
thing fires up, I don't have a AC just a heater and that thing goes off fairly frequently so that one would
be obvious, thanks for pointing that out.
Used to have it with my dishwasher... If it was running I had noise.

It was replaced (not because of the noise) and now the issue is gone.
I tried to capture the noise last night but evidently my FM9 is camera shy and it didn't do it after an hour of playing, going to keep trying.
Thanks to everyone for all the help.

If/when it happens again try to listen to anything else turning on in your place, or if you’re in an apartment, your neighbor’s place. Like I said, my neighbor’s AC turning on causes one of my power amps to hum and I didn’t realize what it was until it was quiet enough in my place to hear their AC kicking on.
If/when it happens again try to listen to anything else turning on in your place, or if you’re in an apartment, your neighbor’s place. Like I said, my neighbor’s AC turning on causes one of my power amps to hum and I didn’t realize what it was until it was quiet enough in my place to hear their AC kicking on.
Thanks I will, I used to have my FM3 in another room and almost never used it in my living room like with my FM9 so this is a new one to me.
Thanks I will, I used to have my FM3 in another room and almost never used it in my living room like with my FM9 so this is a new one to me.

I hear ya. I went from using my III in studio which has zero noise issues, to my FM9 rig in my living room. I'm actually so used to the hum now I don't even notice it anymore. I turn on the cabs and FM9 when I get home from work because seeing them turned on makes me more inclined to pick up my guitar on the tired days!
I hear ya. I went from using my III in studio which has zero noise issues, to my FM9 rig in my living room. I'm actually so used to the hum now I don't even notice it anymore. I turn on the cabs and FM9 when I get home from work because seeing them turned on makes me more inclined to pick up my guitar on the tired days!
The normal hum doesn't bother me, this is beyond that, It reminds me of a while back I bought this Charvel and it buzzed so bad it
was unplayable, I found the ground wire soldered to the tremolo claw had become detached, it's really nasty when it happens.
I did a wiring check of the guitar I use most and no issues, thanks for all your suggestions.
So it did it again today, unfortunately I wasn't able to capture it, but I was able to confirm that neither the heater had kicked on, nor did the refrigerator when it happened, I'm going to try to just set up my guitar and phone tomorrow and let the guitar sit and record it.
One minute normal buzz and hum, the next loud buzz and hum and then all of a sudden it stops???
All, I wanted to thank everyone for their help, I've since moved the unit into another room where all my musical equipment is and used it a few times and haven't heard the noise again, other than the usual 60 cycle hum, fingers crossed.
At the moment I'm considering it crappy wiring and/or a lot of other equipment in my living room until it happens again, it's been impossible to get an audio capture of it since it's so sporadic.
Again thanks to everybody for the help and suggestions, if it happens again and I can get audio I'll post again..
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