No sound suddenly

I have been trying to run the FM9 in the effects loop of a SYN2 unit. I was getting sound but it was awful. Spent an entire day trying to figure out why. Went from bad to worse as now no sound at all. I set up a new patch with nothing but input 1 going direct to output 1. FM9edit shows signal but no sound either from the output to amp or headphones.
The original setup was 4CM
guitar to input 1 - output3 to amp input - into input3 from EFX send - output 1 to EFX return
Stereo signal path from SYN2 to LXII. The sound was very thin. Tried various other configurations to check. The SYN2 and the LXII work fine and sound good with no FM9 in the EFX loop. Put the FM9 back in the loop and no sound, whereas previously there was at least crappy sound. So tried the FM9 stand alone. Guitar to input 1 to output 1. FM9edit shows signal in and out but no sound. Did this unit just die on me? Sure seems like it.
It may have been some kind of a firmware update malfunction.I did a reset of the whole box and every preset in the unit disappeared. I ran the Fractal Bot and it said there was an update. Now I had just updated to that same thing but I decided to do it again thinking maybe the reset wiped the new firmware too. It took several tries but it did finally load the firmware which did restore all of the factory presets. Of course everything I'd been working on was gone. Okay start an empty patch resetting the 4CM patch that I had. Rewired everything as I had before. The sound was now good. Mostly. I inserted one reverb block before the final output 1 to the EFX return on the SYN2. Immediate howling and ringing. Turned the mix way down. Turned the size and time of the reverb way down. Howling stopped but hitting a chord caused ringing. Bad.
My 4CM patch follows the FM9 manual exactly, including making it stereo by taking the right side, as well as the left side, of output 1 to the right and left sides of the effects return on the SYN2. This was working with an old Hafler power amp before I got the LXII. Since I inserted the LXII into the chain it's been nothing but problems. I can't blame the LXII because I'm playing whack a mole with one problem after another. It now seems like all of the units "work" as they should on their own but together it turns into a total xxxxshow. I am quickly approaching giving up and ditching everything. I have tried to be patient. Read all the manuals. But wasting days and days just to get to this point is extremely discouraging.
It may have been some kind of a firmware update malfunction.I did a reset of the whole box and every preset in the unit disappeared. I ran the Fractal Bot and it said there was an update. Now I had just updated to that same thing but I decided to do it again thinking maybe the reset wiped the new firmware too. It took several tries but it did finally load the firmware which did restore all of the factory presets. Of course everything I'd been working on was gone. Okay start an empty patch resetting the 4CM patch that I had. Rewired everything as I had before. The sound was now good. Mostly. I inserted one reverb block before the final output 1 to the EFX return on the SYN2. Immediate howling and ringing. Turned the mix way down. Turned the size and time of the reverb way down. Howling stopped but hitting a chord caused ringing. Bad.
My 4CM patch follows the FM9 manual exactly, including making it stereo by taking the right side, as well as the left side, of output 1 to the right and left sides of the effects return on the SYN2. This was working with an old Hafler power amp before I got the LXII. Since I inserted the LXII into the chain it's been nothing but problems. I can't blame the LXII because I'm playing whack a mole with one problem after another. It now seems like all of the units "work" as they should on their own but together it turns into a total xxxxshow. I am quickly approaching giving up and ditching everything. I have tried to be patient. Read all the manuals. But wasting days and days just to get to this point is extremely discouraging.
That howling and ringing sounds like you have a feedback loop somewhere.
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