No "ignored" words in the forum search function!


Especially when you use a phrase...
I tried the phrase "best cable" and the word "best" was ignored.
There are many times this happens. I can understand it being required with individual words entered, but not with phrases.
michl_666 said:
Maybe a Google-Search works better?

This guy's got it nailed. It's much easier to just let Google handle site searches for these types of forums. In this case they're using an off the shelf open-source bulletin board, so while someone could easily go find the code and modify stuff like this, in my experience it's not worth it because they'll have to merge those changes in every time they upgrade the board software unless they implement the feature in a configurable way and it ends up in the released product. Anyway, I doubt they want to waste time tweaking phpBB. I certainly wouldn't

But try Google. It works great and it's lightning fast!
I have to admit that it wasn't my idea. :oops:
But I remembered it. :lol:
Unfortunately I forgot who's idea it actually was. :oops:

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