Nicknames for amp models?

Would you like to be able to nickname the amp models?

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I'm not sure whether or not it's possible (physically or legally), or if it's been suggested before, but I think it would be cool for the end-user to be able to change the names of the amp models (or assign a 'nickname' for use throughout the various menus in the unit; which would achieve much the same result).
This used to be possible in the old days, but alas it is no longer possible with current firmware.

With all the new features being added, the firmware size grew to the point where it would no longer fit in NVRAM without compression. Because the image is now compressed, you can't alter the bytes for the Amp sim's model name.
xrist04 said:
This used to be possible in the old days, but alas it is no longer possible with current firmware.

With all the new features being added, the firmware size grew to the point where it would no longer fit in NVRAM without compression. Because the image is now compressed, you can't alter the bytes for the Amp sim's model name.

Which brings a question to mind I've been meaning to ask. I was kicking around the idea of a utility for arranging presets within a bank a while back (now I'm just waiting for the Preset Manager to stabilize instead) and in looking over the .syx files for presets and banks I couldn't find where presets are named. Does anyone know, is that data all compressed as well?
quonsar said:
xrist04 said:
This used to be possible in the old days, but alas it is no longer possible with current firmware.

With all the new features being added, the firmware size grew to the point where it would no longer fit in NVRAM without compression. Because the image is now compressed, you can't alter the bytes for the Amp sim's model name.

Which brings a question to mind I've been meaning to ask. I was kicking around the idea of a utility for arranging presets within a bank a while back (now I'm just waiting for the Preset Manager to stabilize instead) and in looking over the .syx files for presets and banks I couldn't find where presets are named. Does anyone know, is that data all compressed as well?

it's embedded in the sysex data, no compression. The raw data is nibbled out for sysex (1 byte of data form 2 sysex bytes).
AlbertA said:
quonsar said:
xrist04 said:
This used to be possible in the old days, but alas it is no longer possible with current firmware.

With all the new features being added, the firmware size grew to the point where it would no longer fit in NVRAM without compression. Because the image is now compressed, you can't alter the bytes for the Amp sim's model name.

Which brings a question to mind I've been meaning to ask. I was kicking around the idea of a utility for arranging presets within a bank a while back (now I'm just waiting for the Preset Manager to stabilize instead) and in looking over the .syx files for presets and banks I couldn't find where presets are named. Does anyone know, is that data all compressed as well?

it's embedded in the sysex data, no compression. The raw data is nibbled out for sysex (1 byte of data form 2 sysex bytes).

Ah!!! Ok, I see!

So, my preset is named 'Bad'.
'B' is hex 42, 'a' is hex 61 and 'd' is hex 64.
So, I'm looking for a stream of bytes in the data:
02 04 01 06 04 06

And sure enough, there it is! Cool!
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