NGD! Question on engaging input gain with footswitch


New Member
I've been trying to recreate my analog board setup as close as I can in regards to tone and stompbox combinations.

For some songs I have three scenes that I can switch between easily enough using the footswitches onboard. What I'd like to do is engage the Amp setting input boost with just a tap on a footswitch. I haven't figured out a way to do that yet. Is that possible? If not, what's an efficient way to engage/disengage the input boost with visual feedback? I am open to other ways of adding a boost to the channel, I just need a little extra MEAT right at the end of the song. I suppose I could copy the scene to the next #, adjust input boost, and page over to that when. need it however that would involved a long press of switch 3 then a single tap of switch 1, correct? Is that the workflow you would suggest?

I've figured this out with a dual external TRS footswitch however there is no visual indication of what the current setting is so I'd be guessing with every patch.
OK, i read the section on scene controllers, that was helpful. I know you weren't referencing that but it will come in handy later. Could you point to the section in the manual where it discusses 'set a switch in your layout as a Control Switch'. I'm looking for that but haven't found anything yet

You can set a switch in your layout as a Control Switch.

Assign that CS as a modifier to the Input Boost.
Are you referring to p.86 in the manual?

I think that's what you are referring to. So I prefer (the rightmost) physical switch #3 doing what it does (tap to choose scene, hold to increment view). In order to use one of the physical switches I'd have to customize another switch settings, lets say #6, then select Master Layout.... then...

Sorry I'm lost here.

What would be fantastic is if I could assign two functions to a tap, but conditional, for instance if I select switch 3 which loads a scene, an additional tap would engage the input drive. Is that possible?

Apologies, I just got the unit today and have been reading the manual and watching tuts but watching and doing are two different things.
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I've assigned amp channel change to 3 Tap however it seems to have overridden the default functionality which is to switch to a scene.

So following this path I'd need to find an unused # Tap and assign it specifically to change channel, or adjust input boost. Let's say that will be 4 Tap. This means I;ll need to hold 3 Tap to increment the view then hit 4 Tap to change the thing, right?

Is there a way to do this that doesn't involved an external switch or inc/dec the view?
Yes, change a switch on another View or Layout.

Then you'll need to change to that Layout/View to trigger it.

I think you may be diving into the deep end before you can swim...

I'd suggest reading thru the Fractal Audio Footswitch Functions Guide and also the FM3 manual section on Modifiers (section 9, in general but Control Switches are there) and Layouts & Switches (section 10).

You don't need to change channels just to engage the Input Boost, although that's certainly one way to do it.
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