Newer Presets louder than older ones even with same settings.


Ok, I am sure I am missing something, but I have noticed this happen several times since I have owned the fractal FX III. I don't know when it starts (perhaps after a software (fractal tool upgrade) or a firmware upgrade but I have saved amp settings that I have. I will focus on the Friedman. I will sometimes copy one preset and its blocks to another preset to write a different song with slightly different effect settings. But even when I turn every effect oof and only have input 1-drive1-amp 1- out with the same Friedman settings the newer preset is noticeably louder than the original preset I copied for the new song. Might even be as much as 3db louder sometimes. I took pictures of the first preset settings just to double check if there were any differences but I can't find any differences. Is there something I am missing. I have two presets one older and one slightly newer and I upgraded the firmware today and the newer one is louder. I don't know if it was louder before the firmware so I am blaming that, its just that I noticed the volume difference today. I have the fractal going to a Fryette power station to a mesa boogie 2x12 so I am not changing anything on that end of the setup.
Changes in models that are updated in the firmware can make them process the sound a little differently, which can result in minor differences in the output of a block, typically the Amp. Sometimes they go up a little, sometimes down. It’s similar to having a mod done to an amp or drive that results in the need to adjust the knobs.

I sweep through them after an update and check their levels and adjust as necessary.

Without seeing the before and after presets it’s impossible to make anything but guesses why the outputs are different, but odds are good something is not configured exactly the same.
Changes in models that are updated in the firmware can make them process the sound a little differently, which can result in minor differences in the output of a block, typically the Amp. Sometimes they go up a little, sometimes down. It’s similar to having a mod done to an amp or drive that results in the need to adjust the knobs.

I sweep through them after an update and check their levels and adjust as necessary.

Without seeing the before and after presets it’s impossible to make anything but guesses why the outputs are different, but odds are good something is not configured exactly the same.
I read about this, but the weird thing is the presets main rhythm sounds are literally the same preset. The second one is copied from the first one and the only things different are tempo and the delay, chorus, plexdelay, and reverb settings. But in scene one, the only things turned on are the od (which is a saved preset and is at the same setting) and the amp, which has identical settings too. I even tried to go to the first made preset, save the Friedman amp settings, then go to new preset, delete the amp block, insert the amp block again and select the Friedman amp settings saved from the previous preset and there is still a noticeable volume difference. I checked the input settings, the output setting and even the setup settings (they should be the same as every preset, but I checked just in case). Scratch my head for sure. Each time this issue becomes noticeable I take pictures of all my settings and then scrap/delete all my song presets and create them again from scratch, but I was hoping to not do that again.
What firmware were you running when you saved the block to your library? Newer firmware versions will sometimes change some amp parameters (especially new parameters that didn't exist when that block was added to your library) to new defaults when it detects that it is from a previous firmware. Maybe this is occurring when you pull it up from the library?
(…] the only things different are tempo and the delay, chorus, plexdelay, and reverb settings.

Then bypass them all and see what happens. Are any blocks in parallel paths? That can cause changes in volume.

Each time this issue becomes noticeable I take pictures of all my settings and then scrap/delete all my song presets and create them again from scratch, but I was hoping to not do that again.
That’s not the way to fix the problem, because you are using the same settings.

Copy the preset to a new slot and, one by one, replace blocks with shunts until the volume changes to what you expect. Debugging is an art and takes some logical thinking.
Then bypass them all and see what happens. Are any blocks in parallel paths? That can cause changes in volume.

That’s not the way to fix the problem, because you are using the same settings.

Copy the preset to a new slot and, one by one, replace blocks with shunts until the volume changes to what you expect. Debugging is an art and takes some logical thinking.
Sorry for not replying sooner, we had two shows, and I was just exhausted. Anyway, it was the parallel effect. Even though I turned the effect off, it seems even having a parallel effect increases the least the way I have the parallel effect setup even when bypassed. Thanks that helped a lot.
Sorry for not replying sooner, we had two shows, and I was just exhausted. Anyway, it was the parallel effect. Even though I turned the effect off, it seems even having a parallel effect increases the least the way I have the parallel effect setup even when bypassed. Thanks that helped a lot.
Depends on how you set the effect...
Even though I turned the effect off, it seems even having a parallel effect increases the least the way I have the parallel effect setup even when bypassed.

As a reminder though, this is exactly the reason it’s important to provide the preset being discussed. We could have pinpointed the problem right away by looking into the layout and the block settings. We enjoy helping solve the problems but the more visibility we have into the situation the faster we can get to the solution.
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