Newby... Ultra into Bogner Uber LOOP....why is output so LOW?


New Member
Ok...turned off the amp & cab sims. Plugging the axefx into the loop of my Uber.

Guitar into Bogner
Send to Input 1
Output 1 to Return

The volume is almost nothing...when I kick off the loop the amp is loud. It's not the loop (i tried w/ other effects and it works perfectly).

When I bypass the effects the level is fine.

What am I doing wrong...AHHHHH....
I will be interested in a solution for this problem. I am in the same boat, i can't understand why its is so difficult to set up the 4 cable method on the axe fx, relative to other fx units. They need to work on the manual again, to clarify how to actually do this correctly.
I will be interested in a solution for this problem. I am in the same boat, i can't understand why its is so difficult to set up the 4 cable method on the axe fx, relative to other fx units. They need to work on the manual again, to clarify how to actually do this correctly.

FWIW, what he's describing is NOT the 4 cable method. The 4CM setup would be:

Guitar to AFX Main Input (Cable 1)
AFX FXSend to Amp Input (Cable 2)
Amp FXsend to AFX FXReturn (Cable 3)
AFX Main Output to Amp FXReturn (Cable 4)

The OP is just setting up the AFX as a normal FX processor in Bogner's loop. Dunno why he's having problems... sounds like a level mismatch or some global setting with a wrong value for what he's doing in the I/O menu. That should be a dirt simple setup.
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try this

When I use this setup (3 cable method ?) , my axe output 1 knob on the front of the unit is full clockwise and my input 1 knob is noon.

Guitar to Bogner XTC Input (Cable 1)
Bogner loop Send to rear Axe input 1 (Cable 2)
Rear Axe output 1 to Bogner loop return (Cable 3)

My Bogner loop is set to series with the Bogner loop return volume knob (onthe back of the amp) maxed (full clockwise).
Axe I/O level (on the screen where you see the graphic EQ and the vertical main output slider) is set to about +4
This setup works great for me. I can turn the Bogner's loop and and off with no change in noise, sound level or quality.
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