[Newbie] Trying to set up Axe to record, listen through USB


I just got an Axe-Fx III for a little black Friday gift for myself and I'm trying to set it up on my Win10 desktop. I have Axe-Edit III working properly and the drivers installed. However, playing through In 1 (which I hear properly through the headphone out on the device) sends no signal to Windows. I've tried outputting through blocks 1-4 to no avail. The Axe-Fx shows up as a "Line" device in my sound settings on Win10.

This is all new territory for me, so I'm still trying to learn. Currently, I'd be happy with Windows just playing the output of the processed Axe-Fx signal so I could play it along with some tunes and set up some tones.

That has to be possible, right? I'm definitely missing something critical here. I've tried both Audacity and Reaper, ASIO (and ASIO4ALL), WaveOut, and I've yet to be able to hear my Axe-Fx signal through my desktop monitors.

What step(s) did I miss?

EDIT: Reaper reports the ASIO device as closed? Don't know if that's relevant?
EDIT 2: I rebooted the machine and now have audio through WaveOut, WASAPI, and ASIO. Apparently a full system reboot is required after driver install.

We can call this issue resolved. Will leave this here for posterity.
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Generally you want the computer audio to play through the Axe, not the Axe audio to play through the computer.
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