New user, help getting the best from my system


New Member

I got my axe-fx standard yesterday, only had a couple of hours playing around and I am starting to be very impressed. I have a couple of questions which I hope will help me get the most out of the set up I have.

I noticed everything seems pretty bass heavy, I think it is due to my headphones, in fact, I was almost expecting it. I use a pair of these Bose noise cancelling cans

they are great for listening to music but I suspect not so for use with the axe fx. Having spent so much on the Axe can you recommend some good but inexpensive headphones ?

Also, I am running the unit into my Zoom digital 8 track in order to jam along to music and to use the headphone facility, even though I am running the Zoom in bypass I suspect it's coloring the sound, I am thinking about getting a separate mixing desk (will probably be a behringer due to funds) but am not sure how much of an improvement it will make.


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