New to FM9, not sure why I can't peak my input/output


I'm a new to the FM9, was on the wait list 6 or 7 months and it just arrived this past Monday. I have two potentially related questions.

Question 1:
Why can't I peak ("tickle the red")? My guitar is not junk. It's a 1989 Fender HM Strat. Original, no modifications or issues. I've had the input up to 85-90% with the Gain trim at 50% and no peaking. I've had 75% input and 75% input gain and still no peaking. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong.​

Question 2:
Why I am not getting anything out from the XLR-Out-1-L or only from the 1/4" Out-1 to the P.A.?​

What I have tried:
  • Used the quick setup and also read the manual - I read the sections related to:
    • The ways to setup for the truest respect to guitar frequency response - so I'm using the P.A.
    • Setting input levels on Guitar IN1
    • Setting output levels
    • I've plugged mics into the XLR cables to the P.A. and and I get sound.
What was successful with the FMI:
When I first pulled the FM9 out I tried the above (but still couldn't peak the Input). I didn't have my P.A. available. I used a Piano amp since it can handle a full range on the piano,999uoi used a 1/4 cable to the return and I could hear and adjust the IN1 and Out1. The setup just wasn't doing justice to the presets. When I switched to the P.A. with XLR - XLR that all went away.​
Lastly, one issue I haven't resolved from the FM9 Manual (pg. 5) is where the "Meters" page is. I press the Home button but there is no "Meters" page. The instructions are as follows: "Output levels are easy to monitor by paging to the Meters page of the Home page."

Thanks so much for any help! I'm excited about using this, but I can't get passed these Input and Output issues.

Question 1:
Why can't I peak ("tickle the red")? My guitar is not junk. It's a 1989 Fender HM Strat. Original, no modifications or issues. I've had the input up to 85-90% with the Gain trim at 50% and no peaking. I've had 75% input and 75% input gain and still no peaking. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong.
This setting is not affected by settings in presets, so things like Input Trim are not relevant.

This setting is ONLY for optimizing the A/D converter for noise.

If you don't tickle the red at 100%, leave it there and don't worry.

Some pickups aren't loud enough to do that (most of my Ibanez guitars with IBZUSA pickups don't)

Question 2:
Why I am not getting anything out from the XLR-Out-1-L or only from the 1/4" Out-1 to the P.A.?
Check Output 1 settings in the Global IO menu.

Turn up Output 1 knob on the FM9 front panel.
Check Output 1 settings in the Global IO menu.

Turn up Output 1 knob on the FM9 front panel.
That response was sooner than expected, awesome and thanks!

I guess I failed to mention I have turned up the OUT1 knob. So I have tried that.

As for the Output 1 in Global Setting, all I see is an EQ settings. I've discovered the Output 1/2/3 in the Setup > I/O and there is the Mode/Output Level/Phase. Output Level is -10dBu and not +4dBu. Is Global I/O something different than " Global Settings"? I'm still exploring the interface as I write this, but not seeing anything but that. However, when I finally found the Meter page, I did see that Out1 is getting signal. I just don't know why the 1/4" only and not the XLR?
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I had an original HM strat way way back. It had a 9v battery that crapped out once in the middle of a rehearsal.
Probably unrelated, but worth a mention
My HM Strat is passive. No battery. I love mine. Been playing it since I bought it. Most diverse guitar I've ever owned.
I just don't know why the 1/4" only and not the XLR?
Ok... I wasn't clear from your OP if that was the issue. I thought nothing from Output 1 was working.

Almost certainly a bad cable or connection because both 1/4" and XLR get the exact same audio signal. That's hardware not software (firmware) controlled.
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