New to AX8 - In an 80's Rock band and looking for presets

Peter R.

New Member
Hello to all, going from all of the amps I have owned over the last 3 decades to the AX8 has been interesting, but I already see so many benefits. While I am learning this, I am open to any help to quickly get some of the sounds for some of the 80's rock songs that I play. Any help or direction is appreciated.
You can convert Axe Fx presets using the fractool. I would guess that 90% of what you need is avail on axechange
I'm in the same boat. Making the transition from simple amp guitar to modeler. I've tried it before with mediocre results and went back. I still have a lot of amps, but I am giving it another go.
I've found many factory presets will do a fantastic job. A lot of them will have effects that I don't really use, so I will turn them off first for their base tone to see if I like them. I tend to go to amps that I have a lot of history with. Plexi jumped, jcm800, ac-30, super reverb. They are a great base to start with. I'm more 70's, so I'm not using that much gain. So, I will gravitate more to the Friedman BE, over the HBE tone. Less saturated maybe?
What songs are you looking to play? For eighties, there's a big difference between something like U2 and Skid Row...
I'm in the same boat. Making the transition from simple amp guitar to modeler. I've tried it before with mediocre results and went back. I still have a lot of amps, but I am giving it another go.
I've found many factory presets will do a fantastic job. A lot of them will have effects that I don't really use, so I will turn them off first for their base tone to see if I like them. I tend to go to amps that I have a lot of history with. Plexi jumped, jcm800, ac-30, super reverb. They are a great base to start with. I'm more 70's, so I'm not using that much gain. So, I will gravitate more to the Friedman BE, over the HBE tone. Less saturated maybe?
What songs are you looking to play? For eighties, there's a big difference between something like U2 and Skid Row...

Thanks, we play Journey, Def Leppard, Ratt, Bon Jovi, Scorpions, AC/DC among others. We also play newer stuff and some country rock (which is why I am loving the options with the AX8 versus one single amp).
Check out Fremens patches. I know he would have some of it covered and you get a boatload of patches at a great price.
I got my Fremen presets last week and am amazed! The variety of presets, amps, settings are a course in themselves. I am having a great time adapting them for my list of tunes to play. Highly recommended and be sure to download the cabs as well. My main change to his offerings was changing the Volume pedal from External 3 to External 2 to add to my own mix of presets. I must have spent about 10 hours loading, changing slightly and saving. Great!
Agreed, I got the $40 preset as the variety of amps, cabs, and scenes are well planned. Still a work in progress but really like the huge choice.
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