New Original Tune "Extra Testicle"

Re: New Clip

Drums are way too loud,,But I like where it is going :cool: ,,bring those guitars up and we'll try again ;)

Re: New Clip

Music sounded very interesting (kinda like backing music to a scene on an X-Files movie)... until the "paper" sounding drums kicked in... Distortion guitar sounded pretty good too! I just didn't care too much for the drums at all... definitely gotta do something with those drums.
Sounded pretty cool! Kinda eerie in a way at the beginning.

Guitars sound really good and so does the playing!

:lol: at the title! Haha! Nice!
I dig the guitar tones, but I'm with Mo on the drums. They sound like somebody's hitting the mic instead of the drum heads.

As for the mix, it sounds pretty good.
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