AFIII New Home Studio Recording - Fractal Axe Fx III - Custom Made Presets - " Gridlocked "

Cool riffing and playing! IMO the snare is a little hot, and the bass guitar and kick could come up a ways. What model are you using for the lead guitar?
It's a bit hard to make out the rhythm guitar once the lead comes in, perhaps the lead could go down slightly? I like the idea of the song, and was disappointed that it was so short. I want a full song from this idea! :)
Cool riffing and playing! IMO the snare is a little hot, and the bass guitar and kick could come up a ways. What model are you using for the lead guitar?
It's a bit hard to make out the rhythm guitar once the lead comes in, perhaps the lead could go down slightly? I like the idea of the song, and was disappointed that it was so short. I want a full song from this idea! :)
Hey, thanks for checking out some of my tunes....Yes I will finish this one when I add a few changes and maybe redo the lead solo....( I will keep your recommendations in mind ) This was really just the ruff mix and demo of the idea ;-)
I am just at the idea stage right, the finished product should be much more to your BTW... what kind of guitars and set up do you use ?
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Hey, thanks for checking out some of my tunes....Yes I will finish this one when I add a few changes and maybe redo the lead solo....( I will keep your recommendations in mind ) This was really just the ruff mix and demo of the idea ;-)
I am just at the idea stage right, the finished product should be much more to your BTW... what kind of guitars and set up do you use ?
Wow, I didn't get a notification here, sorry! That sounds cool.

I use a custom David Thomas McNaught guitar, the Axe-Fx 2 and a MOTU interface.
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