New amp day thwarted by Fractal model accuracy

Fat Dad

I’m a big fan of the Splawn models in the Axe FX, so when my local Guitar Center took in a Splawn Super Sport combo, I had to check it out. Although not a full on Quick Rod 100, the sound was instantly recognizable and I realized just how legitimately spot on Fractal has gotten the models. GAS eliminated, money saved, and went home happy to own the Axe Fx III.
I owned a whole stable of high end tube amp heads. Friedman's, Bogners, Splawns, EVHs, Modded Marshalls, etc......Always was into modeling technology so I have been with Fractal since the Standard. With utilizing the AXE 3 in the 4CM and the real tube heads I was easily able to play the real tube heads and just to have the AXE3 for pre and post effects and then with a switch of a patch I could now utilize the AXE 3 amp sims and then just the real tube heads for the power section to quickly AB the real amps vs the amp sims. Sure there was a little coloring with the tube amps power section but this gave me a very close apples to apples comparison. Quickly switch between the real and the sims I could dial in the AXE 3 to match exactly to the real amp head. I did the same with real pedals and the AXE 3 pedals. Needless to say all tube amps are gone and all my pedals are gone and now I just use the AXE 3, FC12 and 2 Atomic CLR's and I couldn't be happier. GAS gone forever.
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