Negative Aspects of your powered FR cabs(JBL, RCF, QSC, FBT)

FBT Verve 12mA:
- Ergonomics aren't great (handle on the side would have been much better)
- No "Power on" light on the front
- XLR input only (some have a fancy plug that will accept XLR, TRS or TS 1/4")
- Soundwise, I still find it sounds a little honky / mid-rangey (but that might actually be a good thing).

Other than that, power is more than enough, and so is punch and everything else.
Dpoirier said:
FBT Verve 12mA:
- Ergonomics aren't great (handle on the side would have been much better)
- No "Power on" light on the front
- XLR input only (some have a fancy plug that will accept XLR, TRS or TS 1/4")
- Soundwise, I still find it sounds a little honky / mid-rangey (but that might actually be a good thing).

Other than that, power is more than enough, and so is punch and everything else.

I wish the FBT pole hole was on the other side. It makes it look upside down (using it for a wedding Saturday as part of a PA main)
I wish it had rubber feet on the opposite side of the pole hole so I can stand it up on end.(without scratching it)
I use the FBT VERVE 12MA and love it...but in a perfect world, I wish it had a power light on the front of the cab, an input signal level meter, a locking IEC jack and I wish it had more room between the XLR output and the inset panel wall. I put a short Mogami XLR pigtail on my XLR output to "fix" that one flaw but the design should be changed so that either the XLR output jack is turned upside down or it should be moved away from the wall. I suppose a front power indicator light and locking IEC jack could be done as fairly easy mods but it ain't that big a deal to just live with it as is.
Yorkville E10P
  • Sounds great at personal monitoring volumes, but there's no way it's going to fill anything other than a small room with sound[/*:m:2cyw502k]
  • No power light on the front[/*:m:2cyw502k]
  • It'd be nice to also have the limiter light on the front so you know when it's slamming into its ceiling[/*:m:2cyw502k]
  • I'm not a big fan of the fuzzy cloth covering, I'd prefer tolex[/*:m:2cyw502k]
12ma here. I too wish the pole mount was on the opposite side.

Because I use it as a guitar monitor, I wish all the controls were on the front but I understand why it is the way it is (have to keep the singer's grubby hands off the gain controls of his monitors or else.......)

I wish it were lighter but again, it is what it is.

I wish the driver were in the middle of the cab. Call me OCD, but I have a pair and I always feel a little off center when I look at them!
FBT Maxx 2a and 4a - needs power light in front. Otherwise, these meet all my needs. Lightweight, great eq controls, 1/4" inputs, sounds great, couldn't be happier.
QSC HPR122i sound inconsistency. Has anybody else with 2 or more of these noticed this???

I really didn't want to open this can of worms but I just got another 122i and noticed quite a difference in sound and feel from my first one. After doing a bunch of tests including swapping cables, cabinet positioning, etc. I actually went back to the dealer thinking something was wrong with my new unit. He lent me another new floor model and that one sounded even worse!? Notably the highs were much harsher and the overall frequency response was quite dramatically different. There is this sort of buzzy fuzzy crackly sound to the highs - it was especially noticeable on delay trails. Also my first one has this smooth midrange saturation that the other two didn't have.

I probably wouldn't have noticed it much just listening to music through it but playing the Axe through it I really noticed how the different cabinets changed the overall sound and feel. It kind of sucks because now I have a "favorite" QSC that I will be bringing out for when I just need a guitar monitor.
HPR 122i I have 2. I have not noticed any difference between the two.

Negatives are mainly the weight for me.. Its to the point were I don't bother taking the setup to jams, because the whole rig is just too much to move and setup. I have a small marshall for this reason.

The wedge shape doesn't easily hold the 4 RU case like a 4x12. And I still havent found a great amps stand to hold the HPR 122i. I have moved to using it on the floor like a monitor. I think I need to find a couple of plastic milk crates for use when I use them as the room cabinet.

Sonically there is consistency to me. I still havent had a chance to hear a real guitar cab and power amp to compare these against, so I can't comment how this setup compares to the 'in the room' sound some people look for. I would like to A/B against the Verves some time .
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