Need some assistance


New Member
I have the Axe FX II XL, purchased used. I did a global reset to factory new, worked fine to eliminate all the old users presets and settings. My issue is on every patch and whatever amp I choose, I always get this sort of ghost fizz on the tail of the chord I play when I just let it sustain. I have worked with input gain, channel gain, amp gains, amp master volumes, amp levels, cab levels, everything imaginable and the Z on the input and nothing seems to get rid of it. I hear other peoples great edge of breakup tones and that's what I am after, but what I get is a decent tone with this slightly audible, extremely irritating and unnatural "fizzy sizzle" ghosting when I let a chord ring.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated to trouble shoot this. Its like every edge of breakup tone I get has a second channel in the background running a big muff wide open and turned down to just come through when the main tone decays.

Post a recording and a preset that demonstrate the issue.

How are you monitoring?

Are the presets factory or custom?
Thanks for the quick reply. I will get that done, and I appreciate the assistance.

Monitoring through a Motu Ultralite MK IV interface, using the XLR outs into the front mic inputs on the interface, levels are fine on the inputs then that goes into Kali LP 6s. The input and mains levels on the interface are all within normal limits. My input is set to about 55% on the AXE main input, input one and two are at 50%. My input is set to input one, left only and using the front of the unit to plug into. I am also using a preset I pulled off the exchange, I can get the name/etc when I do a recording.
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I have gone through everything, and nothing affects that ripping paper clipping sound. I just off all the other stuff in the patch, and that is just the amp, no cabinet, nothing else. I switch pickups, same thing. Roll off the volume, it's still there, just the whole tone at a lower volume. I checked Z input, went through all those, no change. I lowered the master input gain to 40, then 30, still there. Its just omnipresent and nothing I try has any affect, that irritating farting fizz sound is on it no matter what. Totally at a loss here. Thanks for any suggestions or assistance.
Same sound in headphones, yes. How would I troubleshoot preamp clipping? Pardon me if that sounds like a dumb statement, but any suggestion on how to test that theory out and see if that's a cure would be appreciated. That is just the amp block in the chain as well, with every other device switched off.

So, just for reference, I pulled up an empty block and put a single amp in a straight line input to output and did not touch a thing. Same ripped farting sound in it with nothing else in the single chain. I am convinced I have some kind of global setting on the AXE messed up that is causing that clipping. What parameters should I be looking specifically at? Is there some way I am overdriving the signal by having two of something pointed at an input or output that would "drive" the signal into clipping?

I just switched the amp block off in that chain, and my guitar sounds nice and clean going straight through with no axe FX signal chain blocks activated. No issues with any clipping just letting a straight signal pass through it.
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Same sound in headphones, yes. How would I troubleshoot preamp clipping? Pardon me if that sounds like a dumb statement, but any suggestion on how to test that theory out and see if that's a cure would be appreciated. That is just the amp block in the chain as well, with every other device switched off.
no cab block?
Amp is Tremolo Lux cab is 2x12 double verb mix. Everything is set at default, I didn't touch a thing. I am trying to get rid of that slightly clipped ghost sound that just seems to be in everything and I am convinced it is some setting, not the patch, cause it is not going away with any edits to patches. It just seems some patches make it worse, or different cabs make it more pronounced.

Amp is Tremolo Lux cab is 2x12 double verb mix. Everything is set at default, I didn't touch a thing. I am trying to get rid of that slightly clipped ghost sound that just seems to be in everything and I am convinced it is some setting, not the patch, cause it is not going away with any edits to patches. It just seems some patches make it worse, or different cabs make it more pronounced.

I'm not hearing anything unusual in that clip.

Maybe it's just me?
Yeah much harder to hear on the second clip.

Are you able to record a clip directly from the Axe II via USB? That would bypass any possible issues with the analog output section.

Another thing you can try is to put an FX Loop block after the cab block and try using Output 2 instead. If Out 2 doesn't do it, then it might be something going on with the analog side of Output 1.
I'm not hearing anything unusual in that clip.

Maybe it's just me?
Yeah, funny thing is I hear it and wonder it I am just being too picky.
Yeah much harder to hear on the second clip.

Are you able to record a clip directly from the Axe II via USB? That would bypass any possible issues with the analog output section.

Another thing you can try is to put an FX Loop block after the cab block and try using Output 2 instead. If Out 2 doesn't do it, then it might be something going on with the analog side of Output 1.
I'll give that a shot. I am probably going to mic up an amp too, for comparison. It's just that little bit of unnatural ice pick harshness on the pick attacks and when I let a chord ring that fuzzy ghost fizz that kind I want to get rid of. I have heard a lot of great Axe FX tones out of these units, but I just can't seem to get there with mine. I will give your suggestions a shot over the next day or two.

Thanks for jumping in on this to everyone who has responded, it is very much appreciated.
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